Statistics Norway

Consumption of energy in households

5   Average energy consumption by house type, year of construction and region. KWh utilized energy per household1.1995, 2001 and 2004
  1995 2001 2004
  Total energy Total energy Total energy2 Electricity Oil and kerosene Wood, coal and coke Average specific energy consumption. kWh per m2
Total 21 919 20 969 19 571 15 991 1 219 2 277  174
House type              
Farm house 26 849 27 342 27 174 19 158 1 380 6 636  190
Detached house 26 706 25 456 24 210 19 246 1 787 3 138  176
Rowhouse etc. 18 176 17 844 16 074 14 303  449 1 207  171
Flat etc 12 503 11 716 11 017 9 841  685  316  167
Year of construction              
Prior to 1931 20 655 20 526 19 126 14 950 1 706 2 442  176
1931-1954 21 605 19 518 19 843 15 763 1 399 2 609  175
1955-1970 20 368 20 460 17 683 13 797 2 156 1 688  174
1971-1980 23 335 21 308 22 282 18 201 1 417 2 588  189
1981 -1990 23 493 22 645 20 448 17 352  302 2 653  165
1990 and later   20 724 18 199 16 128 55 1 862  162
Akershus 23 831 22 025 18 851 16 323 1 190 1 204  164
Oslo 17 242 14 365 14 503 12 544 1 283  447  159
Hedmark and Oppland 22 980 22 639 21 233 14 980 1 774 4 377  174
South-East-Norway 21 810 21 659 20 811 16 427 2 082 2 209  176
Agder and Rogaland 21 894 21 280 19 802 16 844  444 2 481  170
Western-Norway 21 403 20 325 18 517 15 902  657 1 914  171
Trøndelag 21 894 23 878 21 653 16 128 1 073 4 367  177
Nothern-Norway 25 175 24 220 21 775 18 429 1 328 2 017  199
1  Some of the theoretical energy contents in fuel wood and oil products is getting lost when it's burnt in a stove. This implies that that the utilized consumption becomes lower than the energy supplied. In this table the consumption is calculated as utilized energy by multiplying with the thermal efficiency coefficient of the energy bearer (65 per cent for fuel wood, 80 per cent for heating oil and 75 per cent for kerosene).
2  The differense between total energy consumtion and use of the different energy types, is consumption of district heating and gas.

Explanation of symbols