Statistics Norway

Energy uasage in households

8 Households by heating equipment combinations for 2001, 2004 and by house type 2006. Per cent
  2001 2004 2006
  Total Total Total Detached house and farm house Rowhouse etc. Flat etc
Total  100  100  100  100  100  100
Only electric space heaters 10 10 7 3 6 16
Electric space heaters/ floor heating1 11 12 13 3 17 32
Electric space heaters and / or electric floor heating + stove for oil/kerosene and possibly heat pump 2 2 2 1 5 2
Electric stove and /or electric floor heating and stove for solid fuels 50 46 43 49 50 25
Electric space heater and/or el. floor heating and either both stove for oil/kerosene and solid fuels or combined stove for solid fuels and oil/kerosene and possibly heat recovery 17 14 13 19 11 2
Electric space heater and / or electric floor heating and stove for solid fuels and heat pump 0 3 4 8 2 0
District heating and other2 1 1 1 0 0 4
Common or individual central heating and other, excl. district heating2 7 10 9 8 6 15
Common central heating and other2, excl. district heating .. .. 4 0 5 13
Individual central heating and other2, excl. district heating .. .. 5 8 1 2
Heat pump and other2 .. 1 2 3 1 0
Gas stove and other .. .. 2 2 1 2
Heat recovery and other3 1 2 2 3 1 2
1  Includes also households with ESWA, el. heating devices etc.
2  "Other" includes additional types of heating equipments.
3  For 2001 and 2004, this category includes unspecified heating equipment combinations, or very uncommon equipment combinations.

Explanation of symbols