Statistics Norway

Energy uasage in households

9 Energy consumption in dwellings and cottages/ holiday houses, per household1. 1990-2005. kWh
  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Total stationary energy consumption 23 594 23 980 23 296 23 459 24 048 24 098 24 921 23 698 23 748 23 609 22 795 23 616 23 511 22 237 21 679 22 318
Electricity 17 300 18 431 18 262 18 151 18 638 18 779 18 941 18 051 18 428 18 238 17 836 18 290 17 554 16 123 16 215 16 910
Of this electricity consumption in cottages/holiday houses      414  385  415  422  463  448  484  543  528  575  594  596  581  614
Oil / kerosene 2 827 2 442 2 033 1 928 1 872 1 886 2 360 1 941 1 806 1 813 1 372 1 574 1 708 1 882 1 458 1 156
Fuel wood 3 239 2 886 2 802 3 170 3 349 3 231 3 406 3 510 3 305 3 345 3 407 3 520 3 991 3 941 3 682 3 916
District heating  163  167  153  160  142  157  172  146  156  169  122  166  169  189  209  212
LPG, coal, coke, natural gas 64 54 46 50 47 45 42 50 53 43 57 66 89  102  116  124
Gasoline to grass cutters etc.(estimate)  114  113  112  111  110  109  108  106  105  104  103  102  101  101  100  100
Total energy consumption inclusive gasoline for grass cutters etc. 23 708   24 093   23 408   23 570   24 158   24 207   25 028   23 805   23 853   23 713   22 898   23 718   23 613   22 338   21 780   22 417
Number of households2 1 751 363 1 769 502 1 787 828 1 806 344 1 825 052 1 843 954 1 863 052 1 882 347 1 901 843 1 921 540 1 941 441 1 961 548 1 973 794 1 986 117 1 998 517 2 010 994
1  Energy consumption per household is calculated by dividing the total energy consumption from the the annual energy balance on the number of households for all years.
2  The figures for 1990 and 2001 are taken from the Population and Housing Census, while the figure for 2005 is taken from population statistics in Statistics Norway. The number of households for years lying between are interpolated.
Source: Energy balance, the Population and Housing Cencus 1990 and 2001 and other population statistics.

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