Statistics Norway

5   Fiscal value1 of depreciable assets for joint-stock companies by depreciation group and main industry2. 2002. Per cent6
  Total Office machines Goodwill Trailers, trucks,
cars etc.3
Ships, aircrafts
and helicopters
Commercial buildings
and other real estate4
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying  100.0 3.7 8.4 50.5 3.5 34.0
Construction  100.0 4.7 7.1 58.8 0.5 29.0
Domestic trade, hotels, restaurants  100.0 6.1 14.6 38.7 0.2 40.4
Transport and communication  100.0 5.7 1.6 51.0 9.7 31.9
Real estate, business activities  100.0 2.2 2.8 7.2 2.2 85.7
Other services  100.0 3.7 11.4 40.9 0.5 43.5
Other industries5  100.0 0.5 0.9 17.1 46.4 35.2
Number of forms in the sample  115 704 22 225 5 852 57 941 1 772 27 914
1  The calculation is based on the average of the industries amount per 1 January 2002 and per 31 December 2002.
2  The companies are classified by the Standard Industrial Classification. Preliminary classification.
3  Includes depreciation groups C (trailers, trucks, vans etc.), and D (cars, tractors, machines etc.).
4  Including depreciation group G (installation for tranfer and distribution of electric power and electrotechnical equipment in power companies).
5  Agriculture, forestry and fishing, manufacture of gas and distribution of gaseous fuels through mains, steam and hot water supply, investment trusts, holding corporations etc. and companies with unreported industries.
6  The figures were corrected 27 June 2005.

Explanation of symbols