Statistics Norway

Income statistics for households. Wealth and debt

1 Property account for households1. 2007 og 2008. NOK million, part of households that have amount on the different property codes and average2
  2007 2008
  NOK million Part of households with
different property codes
Average NOK million Part of households with
different property codes
Taxable real capital  867 398.7 82.6  414 300  971 014.4 82.5  456 400
Real properties  697 067.8 75.0  333 000  791 818.8 75.5  372 200
Production capital and other properties 34 815.5 6.1 16 600 36 719.5 6.0 17 300
House contents and movables  135 515.4 59.2 64 700  142 476.0 57.9 67 000
Taxable gross financial capital 1 377 885.9 98.7  658 200 1 438 354.3 98.6  676 100
Bank deposits  610 560.5 98.5  291 600  663 767.7 98.5  312 000
Share of unit trusts 96 783.4 36.8 46 200 63 730.6 35.1 30 000
Foreign taxable wealth 35 579.4 4.7 17 000 29 702.0 5.5 14 000
Shares and other securities  441 441.0 19.7  210 900  510 614.6 21.6  240 000
Taxable gross wealth 2 245 284.6 98.9 1 072 500 2 409 368.7 98.8 1 132 600
Debt2 1 770 051.4 82.8  845 500 1 905 001.9 82.9  895 500
Study debt 76 147.4 23.2 36 400 79 958.1 23.1 37 600
Taxable net wealth2  475 233.2 99.5  227 000  504 366.8 99.4  237 100
Positive net wealth 1 341 758.0 49.9 1 293 300 1 443 759.3 49.5 1 371 100
Negative net wealth2 -866 524.8 49.6 -829 000 -939 392.6 49.9 -884 300
Wealth taxes 11 378.7 33.7 5 400 11 213.9 27.1 5 300
Number of households 2 093 483  100.0   2 127 365  100.0  
1  Students not included.
2  Corrected 8 April 2011.

Explanation of symbols