Income and property statistics for households

17   Property account for households, by age of the main income earner. Average per household. 1999. Kroner
  All households Age of the main income earner
     -24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-66 years 67-79 years 80 years and older
1. Total real capital 241 900 46 300 162 500 278 300 357 100 354 100 202 400 124 100
Real properties 182 000 28 000 117 000 204 100 265 200 264 500 166 900 112 300
Other production capital 14 700 7 400 10 700 19 200 22 400 23 100 5 600 3 000
Other consumer capital 45 200 10 900 34 800 55 000 69 500 66 500 29 900 8 700
2. Gross financial capital 322 500 71 700 121 100 228 700 439 800 559 400 449 500 373 600
Bank deposits 161 700 36 700 67 700 109 200 151 700 235 500 303 900 292 200
Share of unit trusts 26 400 3 900 12 300 19 700 32 100 65 000 27 000 14 000
Bonds and money market of unit trusts 6 400 1 700 2 000 3 000 7 400 14 700 9 800 7 500
Foreign taxable property 4 900 0 800 1 300 7 400 12 000 8 900 3 600
Securities registered in Verdipapirsentralen (VPS) 27 600 8 900 13 300 14 300 52 300 35 100 38 100 22 900
Other securities not registered in Verdipapirsentralen (VPS) 56 900 16 000 12 100 55 400 127 000 98 500 31 800 16 600
Other claims 38 500 4 400 13 000 25 800 61 800 98 600 30 000 16 900
3. Liabilities 383 500 169 400 508 500 625 400 517 400 283 600 80 500 39 800
Of which student loan 27 800 52 400 74 000 28 400 13 300 7 300 1 000 0
4. Net financial capital (2-3) -61 000 -97 800 -387 400 -396 700 -77 700 275 800 369 000 333 800
5. Net property (1+4) 180 900 -51 500 -224 900 -118 500 279 400 629 900 571 400 457 900
6. Correction for negative net property 179 200 107 200 317 400 301 100 202 400 72 900 12 500 7 300
7. Property 360 200 55 700 92 500 182 600 481 800 702 800 583 900 465 200
8. Total property taxes 3 000 300 700 1 400 4 200 6 200 4 800 3 600
Property taxes by municipality tax assessment 2 100 200 500 1 000 2 900 4 300 3 400 2 600
Property taxes by central government tax assessment 900 100 200 400 1 400 2 000 1 400 1 100
Household percentage 100,0 6,9 20,6 18,8 18,5 14,1 13,9 7,3
Number of observations 9 964 412 1 697 2 228 2 602 1 767 1 015 243

Explanation of symbols