Income and property statistics for households

1   Income account for households, by type of household. Average per household. 2000. Kroner
  All households One-family households Multi family households
  Single Couples without children Couples with children 0-6 years Couples with children 7-19 years Mother/father with children 0-19 years Households with adult children
Salary 286 700 128 500 287 900 498 800 591 100 200 600 472 200 391 500
+Wages and salaries 260 200 121 100 260 400 453 500 523 700 186 400 419 800 343 400
+Net entrepreneurial income 26 500 7 400 27 500 45 300 67 400 14 200 52 500 48 100
+Property income 34 200 13 300 52 200 38 900 66 300 14 600 72 600 21 400
+Interest received 9 300 6 000 18 300 5 500 8 900 3 100 16 500 7 200
+Share dividends received 13 700 2 600 18 200 20 900 36 900 2 900 32 400 7 000
+ Realised capital gains 8 200 3 900 11 200 6 900 16 200 8 400 17 900 4 400
- Realised capital losses 1 000 600 1 000 1 500 2 100 700 900 500
+Other property income 3 900 1 500 5 600 7 100 6 400 1 000 6 700 3 300
+Transfers received 84 200 65 800 132 000 62 800 54 100 102 900 113 200 90 900
+Taxable transfers 68 900 59 800 128 500 18 600 27 000 59 900 101 800 70 500
+Social security benefits 49 700 46 200 91 500 9 600 17 600 34 500 77 500 51 500
+Service pension 14 200 11 000 34 400 1 100 3 300 4 600 19 200 12 000
+ Unemployment benefit 3 100 2 400 2 300 5 000 3 600 3 100 4 900 4 200
+Alimonies 1 900 200 300 2 800 2 600 17 700 100 2 800
+Tax-free transfers 15 300 6 000 3 400 44 200 27 000 43 000 11 400 20 400
+Family (children's) allowances 5 900 100 100 22 700 15 400 20 800 100 4 500
+Dwelling rent supports 700 1 000 100 300 200 2 700 400 600
+Scholarships 2 200 1 600 1 000 2 200 4 500 2 700 6 300 5 600
+Parents' tax deductions 900 0 0 3 600 3 000 2 400 0 600
+Social assistance 1 800 2 200 600 1 800 1 100 4 000 1 700 4 600
+Cash benefits 1 300 0 0 9 800 0 1 600 0 1 100
+Other transfers1 2 300 1 100 1 700 3 700 2 900 8 800 2 900 3 300
=Total household income 405 100 207 700 472 100 600 500 711 500 318 100 658 000 503 700
-Total assessed taxes and negative transfers 103 200 50 400 123 900 153 700 193 700 61 100 169 500 126 200
+Assessed taxes 99 800 47 600 121 400 148 700 188 400 57 700 165 600 120 800
+Negative transfers2 3 400 2 800 2 600 5 000 5 300 3 400 3 900 5 400
=After tax income 301 900 157 300 348 200 446 800 517 800 257 000 488 600 377 600
-Interest payment and housing income 23 800 10 300 19 600 52 900 47 600 25 600 27 600 28 000
+Interest paid 27 100 11 900 24 300 57 100 53 600 28 000 32 600 31 400
-Imputed rent own dwelling/second home 3 300 1 600 4 600 4 100 6 000 2 400 5 000 3 400
=Income after tax and interest payments 278 100 147 000 328 500 393 900 470 200 231 400 460 900 349 600
Percentage of households 100,0 41,4 22,2 12,4 10,6 6,2 5,4 1,8
Number of observations 12 919 2 840 3 294 2 127 2 585 626 1 147 300
1  Other transfers comprise taxfree transfers like basic and attendance benefit, maternity grant, childcare benefit and education benefit.
2  Negative transfers contains maintenance and contribution to private and public pension schemes (jobrelated).

Explanation of symbols