12   Propert account for households, by type of household. Average per household. 2000. Kroner
  All households One-family households Multi family households
  Single Couples without children Couples with children 0-6 years Couples with children 7-19 years Mother/father with children 0-19 years Households with adult children
1. Total real capital  260 600  112 700  347 800  345 000  490 900  165 000  471 800  341 600
Real properties  197 400 91 700  262 700  257 000  357 300  134 600  343 000  248 100
Other production capital 16 400 5 300 16 400 24 200 40 500 7 000 41 200 37 000
Other consumer capital 46 800 15 700 68 700 63 900 93 100 23 300 87 700 56 500
2. Gross financial capital  352 800  190 200  609 900  280 500  499 500  134 500  674 600  349 500
Bank deposits  172 900  122 700  291 900  118 100  170 100 64 500  324 300  178 500
Share of unit trusts 27 000 13 800 50 000 21 900 32 900 11 800 52 700 24 900
Bonds and money market of unit trusts 7 300 5 100 12 700 6 200 8 100 2 900 10 200 3 400
Foreign taxable property 8 100 1 500 20 600 4 900 10 700 1 500 19 500 1 800
Securities registered in Verdipapirsentralen (VPS) 32 700 10 400 54 500 32 500 64 600 9 700 80 200 27 600
Other securities not registered in Verdipapirsentralen (VPS) 57 100 20 700 79 000 65 100  149 800 24 900 94 300 19 300
Other claims 47 600 16 000  101 200 31 900 63 300 19 300 93 300 94 200
3. Liabilities  415 000  196 800  357 200  857 100  790 300  424 500  513 200  548 200
Of which student loan 29 400 20 500 23 000 66 300 22 100 24 500 48 300 60 100
4. Net financial capital (2-3) -62 200 -6 500  252 700 -576 500 -290 800 -289 900  161 400 -198 700
5. Net property (1+4)  198 400  106 200  600 600 -231 500  200 200 -125 000  633 200  142 800
6. Correction for negative net property  192 200  108 900  136 400  452 100  307 100  236 700  170 700  227 900
7. Property  390 600  215 100  736 900  220 700  507 300  111 700  803 900  370 800
8. Total property taxes 3 300 1 600 6 700 1 900 4 500  900 6 900 2 800
Property taxes by municipality tax assessment 2 300 1 100 4 600 1 300 3 000  600 4 700 2 000
Property taxes by central government tax assessment 1 000  500 2 100  600 1 500  300 2 200  800
Household percentage  100.0 41.4 22.2 12.4 10.6 6.2 5.4 1.8
Number of observations 12 919 2 840 3 294 2 127 2 585  626 1 147  300

Explanation of symbols