Statistics Norway

Income statistics for households

2   Income account for households. Average per household1. 2004 and 2005. NOK
  Income distribution survey Register
  2004 2004 2005
Income from work  331 700  337 900  357 900
+ Employee income  302 800  310 200  322 600
+ Net income from self-employment 28 800 27 700 35 300
+ Property income 40 600 43 100 67 400
+ Interest received 4 500 4 400 4 800
+ Share dividend received 29 200 30 000 47 100
+ Realised capital gains 5 900 6 000 11 800
- Realised capital losses 3 000 3 000 2 600
+ Other property income 3 900 5 700 6 300
+ Transfers  105 700  106 900  109 800
+ Taxable transfers 87 700 88 400 91 800
+ Social security benefits 64 000 64 700 67 600
+ Service pensions etc. 18 300 18 100 19 100
+ Unemployment benefit 5 000 5 200 4 500
+ Other taxable transfers  400  400  700
+ Tax-free transfers 18 000 18 500 18 000
+ Child allowances 6 600 6 800 6 700
+ Dwelling support  800  900  900
+ Student grants 3 000 3 300 3 200
+ Social assistance 2 400 2 300 2 200
+ Basic and attendance benefit 1 300 1 400 1 300
+ Cash for care 1 400 1 500 1 400
+ Lump sum maternity grant  200  200  200
+ Other tax-free transfers 2 200 2 200 2 100
= Total income  478 000  487 900  535 100
- Total assessed taxes and negative transfers  118 700  121 100  125 800
+ Assessed taxes  115 300  117 700  122 500
+ Negative transfers 3 400 3 400 3 300
= After-tax income  359 300  366 800  409 300
- Interest payments and housing income 20 800 21 100 24 800
+ Interest payments 24 200 24 500 24 900
- Imputed rent (tax-value) 3 400 3 400  100
= After-tax income and interest payments/imputed rent (tax-value)  338 500  345 700  384 600
Number of households 13 131 2 084 951 2 107 272
1  Private households consisting of single persons living alone under the age of 18 are not included in the data. Most of these persons are probably wrongly classified due to errors in input data. Some may be persons 0-18 years living with adults other than their parents, for instance foster childs and persons living in orphan homes.

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