Statistics Norway

Income statistics for households. Different households

2 Income account for households, by type of household1. Average per household. 2007. NOK
  All households Living alone, person under 30 years2 Living alone, person 30-44 years Living alone, person 45-66 years Living alone, person 67 years and over Couple3 without resident children, oldest person under 30 years Couple3 without resident children, oldest person 30-44 years Couple3 without resident children, oldest person 45-66 years Couple3 without resident children, oldest person 67 years and over Couples3 with children 0-5 years Couples3 with children 6-17 years Couples3 with children 18 years and older Mother/father with children 0-5 years Mother/father with children 6-17 years Mother/father with children 18 years and older Two or more-familiy households
Income from work  420 200  230 900  317 000  240 000 8 300  532 300  698 700  589 400 67 200  706 700  819 800  822 200  173 500  319 600  399 300  548 100
+ Employee income  388 100  224 100  297 000  220 000 6 400  517 500  661 700  538 500 57 400  656 500  750 500  747 400  167 100  303 000  368 000  499 000
+ Net income from self-employment 32 100 6 800 20 000 20 000 1 900 14 700 37 000 50 900 9 900 50 100 69 300 74 800 6 500 16 700 31 300 49 100
+ Property income 36 900 4 600 12 900 27 500 24 200 9 400 27 400 67 200 60 800 37 100 59 200 66 700 6 600 15 500 29 600 36 900
+ Interest received 12 700 2 000 4 000 10 100 14 000 4 300 7 500 21 900 28 200 8 800 13 800 21 400 2 600 5 400 13 100 14 700
+ Share dividend received 8 200 1 000 2 900 5 600 2 700 1 700 8 400 14 700 8 600 10 400 17 900 15 200 1 200 3 200 5 400 6 300
+ Realised capital gains 13 200 1 300 5 300 10 400 6 100 2 600 9 600 24 600 19 400 15 000 22 900 23 700 2 400 5 800 9 100 12 700
- Realised capital losses 2 500  300 1 400 2 200  800  600 2 300 4 600 2 400 2 900 4 600 4 100  400 1 500 1 600 2 700
+ Other property income 5 300  700 2 100 3 700 2 200 1 300 4 200 10 400 7 000 5 800 9 300 10 500  900 2 700 3 500 5 900
+ Transfers  118 500 20 300 37 000 88 000  201 500 21 800 32 400  124 600  380 800 63 400 74 300  125 900  142 300 99 300  130 400  192 200
+ Taxable transfers  102 500 11 800 29 800 82 300  197 900 10 000 26 900  122 000  378 800 23 600 41 700  116 800 66 600 44 200  116 400  163 600
+ Social security benefits 76 000 9 300 25 800 60 700  153 800 7 100 21 500 72 900  283 100 16 600 31 700 86 600 61 800 37 200 92 500  129 100
+ Service pensions etc. 22 500  200  800 18 200 42 500  200 1 000 43 800 92 200 1 400 5 600 24 200 1 100 4 000 18 700 28 100
+ Unemployment benefit 2 100 1 400 2 500 1 600  100 2 000 3 300 2 100  600 3 900 2 400 3 300 2 400 1 900 3 000 4 200
+ Other taxable transfers 1 800  900  700 1 800 1 500  800 1 100 3 200 2 900 1 600 2 000 2 700 1 300 1 000 2 300 2 200
+ Tax-free transfers 16 000 8 500 7 300 5 700 3 500 11 800 5 500 2 600 2 000 39 800 32 600 9 100 75 600 55 100 13 900 28 600
+ Child allowances 6 800  100  600  200 0  100  400  100 0 22 200 21 600 1 100 27 500 25 300 1 700 10 000
+ Dwelling support 1 000  700 1 200 1 600 2 200  200  300  100  100  700  400  200 7 000 2 800 1 000 1 200
+ Student grants 2 000 3 800  200 0 0 9 300 2 000 0 0 2 500 4 000 4 100 3 700 5 600 4 500 5 000
+ Social assistance 1 900 3 400 4 300 2 400  100 1 700 1 900  400 0 2 000 1 200 1 300 6 700 4 000 3 500 3 700
+ Basic and attendance benefit 1 500  400  700 1 100 1 200  300  500 1 000 1 500 1 600 2 900 1 700 1 600 3 000 1 800 2 700
+ Cash for care  900 0  100 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 300 0 0 6 100 0 0 1 900
+ Lump sum maternity grant  200 0 0 0 0  200  100 0 0 1 200 0 0 1 900 0 0  700
+ Other tax-free transfers 1 800  100  200  500  100  200  200  900  400 2 300 2 700  700 21 200 14 400 1 500 3 400
= Total income  575 700  255 800  366 900  355 500  234 000  563 500  758 500  781 200  508 800  807 200  953 200 1 014 800  322 400  434 400  559 300  777 100
- Total assessed taxes and negative transfers  147 000 59 000 99 100 92 600 39 900  133 400  207 700  221 900  108 700  207 700  265 200  274 700 39 600 86 400  131 900  178 800
+ Assessed taxes  143 400 57 900 95 100 89 300 39 800  130 800  201 500  216 900  108 200  202 000  258 800  268 700 38 000 83 200  128 300  173 800
+ Negative transfers 3 600 1 100 4 000 3 300  100 2 600 6 200 5 000  500 5 700 6 400 6 000 1 600 3 200 3 600 5 000
= After-tax income  428 700  196 800  267 700  263 000  194 100  430 100  550 800  559 400  400 100  599 500  688 000  740 100  282 800  348 100  427 400  598 300
- Interest payments 42 800 19 200 33 900 25 800 7 000 54 200 75 300 46 300 15 100 84 700 76 100 61 800 29 300 43 500 37 900 58 300
= After-tax income and interest payments  385 900  177 600  233 800  237 100  187 100  375 900  475 500  513 100  385 100  514 800  612 000  678 300  253 500  304 600  389 500  540 000
Number of households 2 093 483  164 080  177 368  245 198  236 442 37 239 49 986  236 566  165 409  223 462  249 201 88 917 27 326 84 689 43 877 63 723
1  Students not included.
2  Private households consisting of single persons living alone under the age of 18 are not included in the data. Most of these persons are probably wrongly classified due to errors in input data. Some may be persons 0-18 years living with adults other than their parents, for instance foster childs and persons living in orphan homes.
3  Married couples, cohabiting couples and registered partners.

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