Income statistics for employers

3   General Trading Statement accounts for primary industries. Average. 2000. Kroner
  All Agriculture Forestry Fishing
Total income 307 800 451 100 69 700   308 700
Operating income 263 900 379 600 59 800 308 700
Milk and dairy products 44 800 79 000 - -
Live animals, animal to be slaughtered, eggs, skin etc. 62 700 110 500 - -
Grain, potatoes, vegetables etc. 36 100 63 600 - -
Timber, roundwood cut for sale and firewood 16 200 - 47 300 -
Catch income of sole fisherman 12 700 - - 140 100
Payed income to share fisherman 15 000 - - 166 200
Real estate rented out 4 900 8 500 - -
Production allowance, relief man refund, other subsidies and compensation 50 900 89 700 - 0
Forest regeneration, forest roads etc. 1 800   5 400 -
Other 18 800 28 300 7 100 2 400
Write-down and sale of assets etc. 26 700 41 400 9 400 -
Capital income 17 200 30 100 500 -
Total expenses 236 600 369 100 51 600 104 600
Operating expenses 167 900 260 300 31 300 104 600
Labour expenses 29 400 41 700 16 800 -
Wages and social costs 20 000 33 300 3 300 -
Hired machinery and labour 9 400 8 400 13 500 -
Purchase of goods 96 900 160 400 4 600 47 200
Animals and fodder 45 600 80 400 - -
Plants, seeds, fertilizer etc. 14 600 24 600 1 800 -
Car and boat costs and maintenance of tangible assets 25 400 35 500 2 800 47 200
Other 11 300 19 900 - -
Maintenance of real estate 10 100 15 300 4 100 -
Other operating expenses 31 500 42 900 5 800 57 400
Forest tax 1 600   4 800 -
Improvements of existing assets and addition purchases 56 100 89 500 15 500 -
Capital expenses 11 000 19 300 0 -
From the status summary        
Addition purchases etc. and contract depreciation 52 100 82 800 15 000 -
Write down 20 700 33 100 5 600 -
Income from negative account 500 900 0 -
Depreciations 17 700 28 700 1 200 11 500
Change in livestock and stock 500 900 -100 -
Net profit 85 900 104 800 26 200 192 600
Addition for non-deductable deficit from keeping farmhouse 1 000 1 700 - -
Correction due to average assessment -2 400 - -7 400 -
Entrepreneural income 84 300 106 500 18 800 192 600
Profit to be entered in the Tax Return form 89 400 113 900 20 300 196 600
Deficit to be entered in the Tax Return form 5 100 7 400 1 500 4 000
Number of businesses in the sample 1 448 819 505 124

Explanation of symbols