Statistics Norway

Use of ICT in households

8   Percentage of PC owners having encountered security problems and the percentage with virus checking program, by sex, age, education and employment situation. 2003
  Computer virus
problems last 12 months
Fraudulent payment
card use last 12 months
Abuse of personal
information last 12 months
Installed or updated
virus checking program
last 3 months
All persons 21 2 4 52
Males 23 2 5 60
Females 19 1 2 42
16-24 years 22 0 3 52
25-34 years 23 3 6 52
35-44 years 24 2 3 58
45-54 years 16 2 3 52
55-64 years 22 1 4 47
65-74 years 15 0 0 30
Primary school 22 0 3 42
Secondary school 22 2 3 52
University/college + 21 1 5 53
Unspecified 12 3 3 52
Student 20 2 3 48
Employed 22 2 4 54
Retired 19 1 3 42
Other 20 0 5 51

Explanation of symbols