2   External trade 1996-2001. Index. 1996=100
  Exports of ICT goods. Million kroner Per cent Total exports1. Million kroner Per cent Imports of ICT goods. Million kroner Per cent Total imports2. Million kroner Per cent
1996 9 222 100,0 155 098 100,0 22 569 100,0 220 804 100,0
1997 10 775 116,8 169 207 109,1 25 860 114,6 236 863 107,3
1998 12 280 133,2 177 930 114,7 29 608 131,2 264 858 120,0
1999 12 538 136,0 184 277 118,8 29 987 132,9 255 308 115,6
2000 13 935 151,1 214 016 138,0 34 271 151,8 281 245 127,4
2001 15 223 165,1 213 906 138,0 34 203 151,5 284 467 128,8
1  Excluding crude oil, natural gas, ships and oil platforms.
2  Excluding ships and oil platforms.

Explanation of symbols