Statistics Norway

External trade with ICT

6   Imports of ICT goods, by part of the country1. 2001-2003. NOK million
  2001 20021 2003
The whole country 34 172 29 529 29 864
Oslo and Akershus 27 376 23 071 24 360
Telecommunications equipment 6 946 5 424 5 882
Consumer electronics 3 579 3 427 3 837
Computers 11 251 9 650 9 910
Electronic components 2 647 1 762 1 774
Office machines  901  800  814
Measurement- and control equipment 2 052 2 008 2 143
Hedmark and Oppland  387  343  199
Telecommunications equipment 80 31 44
Consumer electronics 14 15 10
Computers  228  209 90
Electronic components 17 13 22
Office machines 2 3 2
Measurement- and control equipment 46 71 31
Østfold, Buskerud, Vestfold and Telemark 4 118 4 179 3 360
Telecommunications equipment  708  611  435
Consumer electronics  587  712  578
Computers 1 806 2 047 1 477
Electronic components  513  331  381
Office machines  162  133  150
Measurement- and control equipment  342  346  339
Aust-Agder, Vest-Agder and Rogaland 1 500 1 068 1 114
Telecommunications equipment  164 77 97
Consumer electronics 83 71 72
Computers  507  329  418
Electronic components  430  353  231
Office machines 19 27 25
Measurement- and control equipment  297  211  270
Hordaland, Sogn- and Fjordane, Møre og Romsdal  576  631  604
Telecommunications equipment  252  217  195
Consumer electronics 39 30 32
Computers 58 74 65
Electronic components 66 49 53
Office machines 4 8 4
Measurement- and control equipment  157  254  253
Sør-Trøndelag and Nord-Trøndelag  153  172  165
Telecommunications equipment 51 50 44
Consumer electronics 26 23 29
Computers 14 15 20
Electronic components 19 25 18
Office machines 12 10 13
Measurement- and control equipment 32 49 40
Nordland, Troms and Finnmark 61 65 63
Telecommunications equipment 20 28 22
Consumer electronics 6 5 2
Computers 16 4 10
Electronic components 4 7 7
Office machines - - -
Measurement- and control equipment 14 20 21
Customs declarations are used to distribute goods on the part of country.

Explanation of symbols