Statistics Norway

External trade with ICT

5 Exports of ICT goods, by part of the country1. 2005-2007. NOK million
  2005 2006 2007
Whole country 12 118 14 123 15 352
Oslo and Akershus 3 915 4 275 4 420
Audio and video equipment  149 94 95
Computer and related equipment  403  452  450
Electronic components  469  561  520
Telecommunications equipment  549  657  582
Other ICT goods 2 345 2 511 2 772
Hedmark and Oppland  171  102  124
Audio and video equipment : : :
Computer and related equipment 20 11 10
Electronic components 26 21 18
Telecommunications equipment : : :
Other ICT goods  113 60 90
Østfold, Buskerud, Vestfold og Telemark 3 289 3 641 4 655
Audio and video equipment  286  357  151
Computer and related equipment  283  236  281
Electronic components  231  264  450
Telecommunications equipment 1 993 2 236 3 121
Other ICT goods  496  548  652
Aust-agder, Vest-agder and Rogaland  652  985  991
Audio and video equipment 23 23 46
Computer and related equipment 51  165 75
Electronic components  219  355  308
Telecommunications equipment  171  241  370
Other ICT goods  188  202  192
Hordaland, Sogn- and Fjordane, Møre og Romsdal 1 301 1 369 1 075
Audio and video equipment 48 26 14
Computer and related equipment 37 66 48
Electronic components  372  382  285
Telecommunications equipment  279  356  509
Other ICT goods  565  540  218
Sør-Trøndelag and Nord-trøndelag  518  442  508
Audio and video equipment : : :
Computer and related equipment : : :
Electronic components 94 77 90
Telecommunications equipment  100  140  152
Other ICT goods  230  191  182
Nordland, Troms and Finnmark  351  679  815
Audio and video equipment : : :
Computer and related equipment : : :
Electronic components  306  637  787
Telecommunications equipment : : :
Other ICT goods : : :
Other2 1 921 2 630 2 765
Audio and video equipment  174  208  322
Computer and related equipment  730 1 083  909
Electronic components  230  286  342
Telecommunications equipment  367  565  761
Other ICT goods  420  488  430
1  Registered by county of origin.
2  Produced in foreign country, produced in foreign country for direct transit and unknown county.

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