Statistics Norway

External trade in ICT

3 Exports and imports of ICT goods and traditional commodities. 2002=100
  Exports ICT. 2002=100 Exports of traditional commodities1. 2002=100 Imports ICT. 2002=100 Imports of traditional commodities2. 2002=100
2002  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0
2003 97.7  100.8  100.8  103.1
2004  104.8  112.9  121.9  119.1
2005  111.9  126.3  124.8  130.5
2006  130.4  151.0  143.2  150.6
2007  141.7  167.3  143.2  171.3
2008  167.0  179.3  140.6  180.1
1  All commodities excluding ships, oil platforms, crude oil, natural gas and condensates.
2  All commodities exclusive of ships and oil platforms.

Explanation of symbols