Statistics Norway

External trade in ICT

5 Exports of ICT goods by part of the country1. 2006-2008. NOK million
  2006 2007 2008
Whole country 14 123 15 341 18 080
Oslo and Akershus 4 275 4 417 4 688
Audio and video equipment 94 95 59
Computer and related equipment  452  449  446
Electronic components  561  520  477
Telecommunications equipment 2 511 2 772 3 136
Other ICT goods  657  581  570
Hedmark and Oppland  102  124  249
Audio and video equipment : : :
Computer and related equipment 11 10 30
Electronic components 21 18 36
Telecommunications equipment 60 90 :
Other ICT goods : : 5
Østfold, Buskerud, Vestfold og Telemark 3 641 4 651 5 442
Audio and video equipment  357  151  179
Computer and related equipment  236  281  309
Electronic components  264  450  376
Telecommunications equipment  548  652  736
Other ICT goods 2 236 3 117 3 842
Aust-Agder, Vest-Agder and Rogaland  985  997 1 077
Audio and video equipment 23 46 49
Computer and related equipment  165 75  103
Electronic components  355  322  385
Telecommunications equipment  202  192  199
Other ICT goods  241  362  341
Hordaland, Sogn and Fjordane, Møre og Romsdal 1 369 1 073 1 185
Audio and video equipment 26 14 11
Computer and related equipment 66 48 74
Electronic components  382  285  344
Telecommunications equipment  540  217  164
Other ICT goods  356  508  592
Sør-Trøndelag and Nord-Trøndelag  442  506  629
Audio and video equipment : : :
Computer and related equipment : : 40
Electronic components 77 90 :
Telecommunications equipment  191  182  261
Other ICT goods  140  151  148
Nordland, Troms and Finnmark  679  815 2 003
Audio and video equipment : : 2
Computer and related equipment : : 4
Electronic components  637  787 :
Telecommunications equipment : : :
Other ICT goods : : 9
Other2 2 630 2 758 2 806
Audio and video equipment  208  322  285
Computer and related equipment 1 083  907  892
Electronic components  286  329  306
Telecommunications equipment  488  430  539
Other ICT goods  565  769  783
1  Registered by county of origin.
2  Produced in foreign country, produced in foreign country for direct transit and unknown county.

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