Income Statistics. Persons and families

3   Income account for families by family type and the number of children1 in the family. 1999. Average in kroner
    Married couples2 Cohabiting couples with common children
  Total Total 0 child 1 child 2 children 3 children and more Total 1 child 2 children 3 children and more
Salary 417 700  414 600  229 000  507 000 567 900  546 500  445 000  435 300  455 500  444 100
+ Wages and salaries 379 700 375 800 206 300 462 500 521 000 483 600 414 400 411 900 422 800 397 800
+ Net entrepreneurial income 38 000 38 900 22 600 44 500 46 900 63 000 30 600 23 300 32 700 46 300
+ Property income 43 000 45 200 42 500 45 700 45 700 51 500 23 000 19 600 25 700 25 000
+ Interest recieved 11 200 11 900 15 500 11 400 8 700 7 900 4 800 4 400 5 100 5 200
+ Share dividend received 16 100 17 000 13 400 17 300 18 800 23 800 8 200 6 300 10 400 7 400
+ Realised capital gains 9 400 9 700 8 300 10 000 10 900 11 100 6 400 5 900 6 500 7 600
- Realised capital losses 2 200 2 400 2 500 2 100 2 100 2 900 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 400
+ Other capital incomes 8 500 9 000 7 700 9 100 9 400 11 700 4 600 3 900 4 700 6 100
+ Transfers 92 800 96 600 146 400 67 900 51 400 73 600 58 800 43 300 61 500 97 500
+ Taxable transfers 71 800 77 400 143 900 53 100 21 300 20 400 21 800 17 400 21 500 35 300
+ Pensions from the National Insurance Scheme 50 700 55 000 103 700 37 700 13 800 12 700 11 700 10 500 11 400 16 000
+ Service pensions, annuities etc. 16 800 18 500 37 500 10 800 3 000 2 200 1 200 1 100 1 100 1 600
+ Unemployment benefit 3 300 3 000 2 200 4 000 3 400 3 300 5 600 5 400 5 600 5 800
+ Alimonies etc. 1 100 800 400 600 900 2 200 3 300 400 3 400 11 900
+ Tax-free transfers 21 000 19 200 2 500 14 800 30 200 53 200 37 100 25 900 40 000 62 200
+ Family allowances 10 400 9 300 100 4 600 15 900 30 200 20 200 11 800 23 400 36 500
+ Dwelling support 200 200 100 100 200 400 200 200 200 500
+ Scholarships 3 300 3 400 200 4 500 5 400 7 000 2 600 3 000 1 800 3 800
+ Parent's tax deduction 1 700 1 600 0 800 2 700 5 000 2 900 1 700 3 400 5 300
+ Social assistance 1 100 1 100 500 1 200 1 000 2 600 1 500 1 600 1 300 2 300
+ Basic and additional amounts 1 300 1 300 1 100 1 100 1 400 2 200 1 000 600 1 100 2 100
+ Cash benefit 2 200 1 700 0 1 500 3 000 4 600 6 700 5 400 7 100 9 000
+ Maternity grant 400 300 0 400 400 800 1 300 1 300 1 100 1 800
+ Other tax-free income(s) 400 400 500 500 300 300 600 400 600 900
= Total income 553 500 556 500 417 900 620 600 665 000 671 700 526 800 498 200 542 800 566 600
- Total assessed taxes and negative transfers 146 900 148 600 107 600 170 600 183 000 174 500 132 300 128 600 135 600 133 900
+ Assessed taxes 143 200 145 100 105 600 166 000 178 400 170 200 126 500 123 000 129 900 127 100
+ Negative transfers 3 700 3 500 2 000 4 600 4 600 4 300 5 800 5 600 5 700 6 800
= Income after-tax 406 600 407 900 310 300 450 100 482 000 497 200 394 500 369 600 407 200 432 700
- Interest payments and housing income 33 500 31 800 14 700 36 900 45 600 49 100 48 300 45 000 49 900 53 300
+ Interest payments 37 900 36 400 18 900 41 500 50 600 54 000 51 600 47 700 53 600 57 200
- Housing income 4 400 4 600 4 200 4 600 5 000 4 800 3 300 2 700 3 700 3 800
= Income after-tax and interest payments 373 100 376 100 295 600 413 100 436 400 448 100 346 200 324 600 357 300 379 300
Number of families 931 537 837 200 340 821 167 595 207 546 121 238 94 337 41 091 39 504 13 742
1  A person who lives with parents is defined as a child independent of age.
2  The figure for married couples includes registered partnerships.

Explanation of symbols