11   Main entries from the income account for resident receivers of social security benefits 17 years and over, by type of pension and sex. With and without minimum benefit. Average in kroner. 1999
  Old-age pensioners Disability pensioners Persons who received surviovor benefits
  All With minimum benefit Without minimum benefit All With minimum benefit Without minimum benefit All With minimum benefit Without minimum benefit
Salary 6 200 1 700 9 000 25 200 11 200 29 300 114 000 93 500 118 600
+Wages and salaries 4 100 1 100 5 900 22 500 10 000 26 100 107 600 82 400 113 200
+Net entrepreneurial income 2 200 600 3 100 2 700 1 200 3 100 6 400 11 100 5 400
+Property income 16 400 8 800 21 000 8 500 4 000 9 900 21 100 12 500 23 000
+Interest received 10 400 6 900 12 500 4 600 2 500 5 200 10 700 6 500 11 600
+Other property income1 7 800 2 200 11 300 4 700 1 700 5 600 11 800 6 800 12 900
+Transfers received 127 000 87 600 151 400 123 300 87 600 133 700 99 600 80 900 103 800
+Taxable transfers 125 000 84 200 150 100 115 100 77 300 126 200 93 900 71 900 98 900
+Social security benefits 99 000 76 700 112 800 101 400 72 300 109 900 66 500 55 400 69 000
+Service pension 25 500 7 300 36 700 12 800 3 900 15 400 24 700 12 500 27 500
+Other taxable transfers2 400 200 600 900 1 000 800 2 700 4 100 2 400
+Tax-free transfers 2 100 3 400 1 300 8 100 10 300 7 500 5 700 9 000 5 000
+Dwelling rent supports 1 000 2 100 400 1 700 3 000 1 400 600 1 900 300
+Social assistance 100 200 0 1 400 2 700 1 000 500 1 700 200
+Other taxfree transfers3 1 000 1 100 900 5 000 4 600 5 200 4 600 5 400 4 400
=Total income 149 600 98 100 181 500 157 000 102 800 172 800 234 700 186 900 245 500
-Total assessed taxes and negative transfers4 26 400 9 400 36 800 24 300 9 000 28 700 56 600 36 700 61 000
=After tax income 123 300 88 600 144 600 132 700 93 800 144 100 178 200 150 200 184 400
-Interest payment and housing income 1 100 400 1 600 7 600 3 500 8 800 7 900 9 000 7 700
=Income after tax and interest payments 122 100 88 300 143 000 125 100 90 300 135 300 170 200 141 100 176 700
Number of receivers of social security benefits 610 492 233 080 377 412 264 140 59 771 204 369 27 271 5 003 22 268
Salary 10 900 3 100 11 900 26 000 7 900 27 300 138 000 133 000 148 800
+Wages and salaries 6 500 900 7 300 21 000 5 200 22 200 115 100 106 900 132 900
+Net entrepreneurial income 4 300 2 200 4 600 5 000 2 800 5 100 22 800 26 100 15 900
+Property income 23 200 13 700 24 500 11 500 4 500 12 100 20 000 19 700 20 700
+Interest received 13 100 10 400 13 500 5 400 2 500 5 600 9 400 8 200 12 000
+Other property income1 14 000 3 600 15 400 7 600 2 300 8 000 13 100 13 600 11 800
+Transfers received 153 700 93 700 161 900 139 600 103 300 142 300 87 800 84 700 94 600
+Taxable transfers 152 600 90 200 161 000 132 700 84 900 136 300 79 300 76 000 86 400
+Social security benefits 116 200 81 300 120 900 119 600 82 400 122 400 49 400 45 200 58 600
+Service pension 35 800 8 700 39 500 12 600 2 200 13 400 23 100 22 800 23 800
+Other taxable transfers2 600 200 700 500 300 500 6 700 8 000 3 900
+Tax-free transfers 1 200 3 500 800 6 900 18 400 6 000 8 500 8 700 8 200
+Dwelling rent supports 300 1 800 100 1 500 5 000 1 200 600 800 100
+Social assistance 100 700 0 1 900 10 300 1 300 1 200 1 500 500
+Other taxfree transfers3 700 900 700 3 500 3 100 3 500 6 800 6 400 7 600
=Total income 187 800 110 500 198 300 177 100 115 800 181 700 245 800 237 300 264 000
-Total assessed taxes and negative transfers4 39 300 12 000 43 000 29 500 7 500 31 200 58 500 55 700 64 600
=After tax income 148 500 98 400 155 300 147 600 108 300 150 500 187 300 181 600 199 500
-Interest payment and housing income 1 800 600 2 000 10 500 4 300 10 900 15 600 15 200 16 300
=Income after tax and interest payments 146 700 97 800 153 300 137 100 103 900 139 600 171 700 166 400 183 200
Number of receivers of social security benefits 248 722 29 714 219 008 112 052 7 770 104 282 2 044 1 397 647
Salary 3 000 1 500 5 000 24 600 11 700 31 300 112 100 78 200 117 700
+Wages and salaries 2 400 1 100 4 000 23 500 10 700 30 200 106 900 72 900 112 600
+Net entrepreneurial income 700 400 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 100 5 100 5 400 5 100
+Property income 11 700 8 100 16 300 6 300 4 000 7 600 21 200 9 800 23 100
+Interest received 8 500 6 300 11 300 3 900 2 500 4 700 10 800 5 900 11 600
+Other property income1 3 600 1 900 5 600 2 600 1 600 3 200 11 700 4 100 13 000
+Transfers received 108 700 86 700 137 000 111 200 85 200 124 700 100 600 79 400 104 100
+Taxable transfers 106 000 83 300 135 100 102 100 76 100 115 700 95 100 70 300 99 300
+Social security benefits 87 200 76 000 101 700 88 000 70 800 96 900 67 900 59 300 69 300
+Service pension 18 400 7 100 32 900 13 000 4 200 17 500 24 900 8 500 27 600
+Other taxable transfers2 300 200 500 1 200 1 100 1 200 2 400 2 500 2 300
+Tax-free transfers 2 700 3 400 1 900 9 100 9 100 9 100 5 500 9 100 4 900
+Dwelling rent supports 1 500 2 100 700 1 900 2 700 1 500 600 2 400 300
+Social assistance 100 100 0 1 000 1 600 700 400 1 700 200
+Other taxfree transfers3 1 200 1 200 1 200 6 200 4 800 6 900 4 400 5 000 4 300
=Total income 123 400 96 300 158 200 142 100 100 900 163 600 233 800 167 400 244 900
-Total assessed taxes and negative transfers4 17 500 9 000 28 300 20 400 9 300 26 200 56 400 29 400 60 900
=After tax income 105 900 87 200 129 900 121 800 91 600 137 400 177 400 138 000 184 000
-Interest payment and housing income 700 300 1 100 5 500 3 300 6 600 7 300 6 600 7 400
=Income after tax and interest payments 105 200 86 900 128 800 116 300 88 300 130 900 170 100 131 400 176 600
Number of receivers of social security benefits 361 770 203 366 158 404 152 088 52 001 100 087 25 227 3 606 21 621
1  Other property income comprise incomes like share dividends received, realised capital gains and other property income.
2  Other taxable transfers comprise taxable transfers like unemployment benefit and alimonies.
3  Other taxfree transfers comprise taxfree transfers like basic and attendance benefit, maternity grant, family (children's) allowances, cash benefit, childcare benefit, parents' tax deductions and education benefit.
4  Negative transfers contains maintenance and contribution to private and public pension schemes (jobrelated).

Explanation of symbols