Income Statistics. Persons and families

1   Income account for residents. Million kroner. 1994-2000
  1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Salary  404 087.7  427 852.9  451 767.6  488 134.6  533 030.6  564 638.6  595 887.0
Wages and salaries  361 855.4  382 775.7  410 055.7  443 304.6  486 143.3  517 916.6  545 552.4
Net entrepreneurial income 42 232.3 45 077.1 41 711.8 44 830.0 46 887.3 46 722.0 50 334.6
Property income 28 431.4 30 367.1 40 156.1 43 446.1 44 648.2 55 757.0 77 417.0
Interest recieved 11 460.0 12 028.6 11 627.9 9 038.5 12 852.6 17 221.1 18 854.0
Share dividend received 8 397.5 10 667.2 11 279.6 12 886.5 17 754.9 19 132.0 29 265.7
Realised capital gains 2 920.3 4 505.7 8 467.6 13 069.0 7 757.0 11 547.5 20 468.3
Realised capital losses 1 902.7 1 656.8 1 375.8 1 392.4 3 898.9 2 832.7 3 496.0
Other capital incomes 7 556.4 4 822.4 10 156.8 9 844.5 10 182.5 10 689.1 12 325.1
Transfers  129 307.8  132 669.3  138 469.5  144 803.3  155 039.4  165 787.0  176 929.9
Taxable transfers  105 184.0  107 628.1  112 095.7  116 885.7  125 794.9  134 604.7  144 251.5
Pensions from the National Insurance Scheme 73 357.8 75 469.1 78 941.1 83 774.3 92 036.8 98 473.9  104 645.0
Service pensions, annuities etc. 18 056.3 19 073.6 20 946.0 22 306.9 24 817.6 26 796.2 29 235.3
Unemployment benefit 10 869.1 9 960.5 8 877.0 7 284.1 5 242.1 5 387.8 6 079.5
Alimonies etc. 2 900.7 3 124.9 3 331.6 3 520.4 3 698.4 3 946.9 4 291.8
Tax-free transfers 24 123.8 25 041.2 26 373.8 27 917.6 29 244.5 31 182.3 32 678.4
Family allowances 11 716.7 11 641.1 12 525.0 12 959.5 13 125.2 12 910.3 12 517.4
Dwelling support  681.5  770.9  792.5 1 356.2 1 466.3 1 539.4 1 630.5
Scholarships 2 813.9 3 395.6 3 630.8 3 989.0 4 326.5 4 550.9 4 809.6
Parent's tax deduction 1 959.7 1 965.9 1 971.7 1 975.1 1 960.0 1 973.8 1 986.9
Social assistance 3 906.2 4 046.9 3 986.4 3 913.5 3 663.9 3 754.6 3 938.0
Basic and additional amounts 1 966.3 2 022.7 2 083.5 2 218.7 2 228.2 2 290.3 2 593.2
Cash benefit . . . .  772.7 2 339.3 3 001.2
Maternity grant  373.9  414.6  547.7  517.7  483.3  472.8  460.5
Other tax-free income(s)  705.6  783.5  836.1  988.1 1 218.3 1 351.0 1 741.0
Total income  561 826.9  590 889.3  630 393.2  676 384.0  732 718.1  786 182.60  850 234.0
Total assessed taxes and negative transfers  138 783.7  148 749.2  160 901.2  175 605.0  190 024.4  201 683.2  216 933.1
Assessed taxes  133 772.1  143 423.9  155 218.6  169 570.9  183 571.4  194 703.2  209 513.3
Negative transfers 5 011.6 5 325.3 5 682.6 6 034.1 6 453.0 6 980.0 7 419.8
After-tax income  423 043.2  442 140.1  469 492.0  500 779.0  542 693.7  584 499.4  633 300.9
Interest payments and housing income 36 873.1 34 679.4 33 609.1 29 488.7 37 193.4 46 973.2 49 211.9
Interest payments 41 548.5 39 998.9 38 932.0 34 962.4 43 159.5 53 045.3 56 144.5
Housing income 4 675.3 5 319.5 5 322.9 5 473.7 5 966.1 6 072.1 6 932.6
After-tax income and interest payments/housing income  386 170.0  407 460.8  435 882.9  471 290.3  505 500.3  537 526.2  584 089.0
Number of residents 4 348 429 4 369 973 4 392 729 4 417 612 4 445 340 4 478 497 4 503 436

Explanation of symbols