Income Statistics. Persons and families

4   Income account for married couples1 without children, by the age of the main income earner. Average. 2000. Kroner
  Total The age of the main income earner
  Under 25 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-66 years 67-79 years 80 years and over
Salary  241 500  260 600  486 200  504 600  475 300  345 400 33 100 3 700
Wages and salaries  216 800  252 900  467 300  470 000  431 700  306 800 24 400 1 900
Net entrepreneurial income 24 700 7 700 18 900 34 600 43 600 38 700 8 600 1 800
Property income 54 800 6 300 29 100 44 700 59 100 71 400 46 900 35 500
Interest recieved 16 900 2 500 5 400 8 300 10 500 17 500 20 600 21 600
Share dividend received 18 600 2 100 11 100 14 700 26 700 28 400 10 700 5 000
Realised capital gains 12 700  900 10 600 18 000 16 000 15 900 9 900 6 100
Realised capital losses 2 200  300 1 800 2 500 3 700 2 600 1 500  700
Other capital incomes 8 700 1 200 3 700 6 200 9 500 12 300 7 300 3 500
Transfers  155 200 22 900 17 400 34 700 47 100  113 900  259 400  234 500
Taxable transfers  152 300 8 400 11 500 29 600 44 800  110 800  257 100  232 600
Pensions from the National Insurance Scheme  109 000 4 700 7 200 22 200 35 400 62 800  194 000  187 700
Service pensions, annuities etc. 40 600  100  400 2 700 5 900 44 300 61 500 44 300
Unemployment benefit 2 300 3 500 3 800 4 500 3 400 3 200  800 0
Alimonies etc.  500  100  100  200  200  500  700  600
Tax-free transfers 2 900 14 400 6 000 5 100 2 200 3 000 2 300 1 900
Family allowances  100  100  100  600  100 0 0 0
Dwelling support  100  100  100  200  100  100  100  200
Scholarships  200 9 200 3 000  500 0 0 0 0
Parent's tax deduction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Social assistance  500 4 100 1 700 2 100  500  400  300  100
Basic and additional amounts 1 200  200  300  900  900 1 100 1 600 1 500
Cash benefit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Maternity grant 0  400  200  200 0 0 0 0
Other tax-free income(s)  600  100  200  300  400 1 200  200 0
Total income  451 500  289 700  532 700  583 900  581 400  530 700  339 400  273 700
Total assessed taxes and negative transfers  116 100 62 700  147 600  171 800  167 200  146 400 71 200 50 000
Assessed taxes  114 000 61 500  143 600  163 200  162 900  143 700 71 000 50 000
Negative transfers 2 100 1 200 4 000 8 600 4 300 2 700  200 0
After-tax income  335 400  227 000  385 200  412 200  414 300  384 300  268 200  223 700
Interest payments and housing income 15 100 18 500 46 900 46 600 31 900 16 500 2 500 -600
Interest payments 19 900 19 200 49 100 50 300 37 400 22 100 7 000 2 800
Housing income 4 800  700 2 300 3 800 5 400 5 600 4 600 3 300
After-tax income and interest payments/housing income  320 300  208 500  338 300  365 600  382 400  367 800  265 700  224 300
Number of families  344 512 2 325 17 511 12 312 48 001  119 285  113 163 31 915
1 The figure for married couples includes registered partnerships.

Explanation of symbols