Income Statistics. Persons and families

9   Income account for single parents with family allowance for one more child than they actually have, by number of children. Average. 2001. Kroner
  Single parents
  All 0 children1 1 child 2 children 3 children and more
Salary  192 000  194 600  182 600  203 100  204 200
+ Wages and salaries  183 700  182 000  175 100  194 500  193 600
+ Net entrepreneurial income 8 300 12 500 7 500 8 600 10 600
+ Property income 6 600 25 900 5 300 8 200 3 800
+ Interest received 3 700 3 600 3 000 4 400 4 700
+ Share dividend received 1 500 2 300 1 300 1 900 1 300
+ Realised capital gains 1 400 19 200  600 1 400 1 600
- Realised capital losses 1 500 1 300  900 1 000 5 800
+ Other capital incomes 1 500 2 100 1 300 1 500 1 900
+ Transfers  116 600 75 100 96 700  129 900  180 400
+ Taxable transfers 64 200 36 600 53 600 72 000 97 400
+ Pensions from the National Insurance Scheme 34 600 25 400 32 400 34 900 46 100
+ Service pensions, annuities etc. 2 800 2 900 2 000 3 400 4 800
+ Unemployment benefit 3 100 2 600 3 100 3 200 3 400
+ Alimonies etc. 23 700 5 700 16 100 30 600 43 200
+ Tax-free transfers 52 400 38 400 43 100 57 900 82 900
+ Family allowances 29 400 25 600 24 000 33 100 44 700
+ Dwelling support 3 200 1 400 2 600 3 300 5 500
+ Scholarships 3 100  500 1 600 4 000 8 400
+ Social assistance 4 700 6 000 4 000 4 600 7 700
+ Basic and additional amounts 2 100  500 1 400 2 500 4 100
+ Cash benefit 2 500 1 800 2 300 2 400 3 900
+ Maternity grant  500  200  500  400  900
+ Other tax-free income(s) 6 800 2 200 6 600 7 300 7 600
= Total income  315 200  295 600  284 700  341 200  388 300
- Total assessed taxes and negative transfers 52 700 63 300 49 500 55 900 56 800
+ Assessed taxes 49 700 58 600 46 100 53 400 54 700
+ Negative transfers 3 000 4 800 3 400 2 500 2 100
= After-tax income  262 400  232 300  235 200  285 300  331 500
- Interest payments and housing income 28 600 24 500 26 100 31 300 33 300
+ Interest payments 31 400 26 800 28 400 34 700 37 000
- Housing income 2 800 2 400 2 300 3 400 3 700
= After-tax income and interest payments/housing income  233 900  207 800  209 000  254 000  298 100
Number of families  114 212 2 492 61 414 37 308 12 998
1  Includes children where the parents have joint custody and the child is registed as resident with the other parent.

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