Income Statistics. Persons and families

12   Income account for single parents1. Average in 2001-kroner, per cent and average amount. 2000 and 2001
  2000 2001
  All Percentage of total income Percentage with amount Number of persons with amount All Percentage of total income Percentage with amount Number of persons with amount
Salary  182 700 58 87 96 291  192 000 61 88  100 382
+ Wages and salaries  174 700 56 86 95 183  183 700 58 87 99 219
+ Net entrepreneurial income 7 900 3 7 7 383 8 300 3 7 7 829
+ Property income 9 700 3 100  109 754 6 600 2 100  113 869
+ Interest received 3 000 1 100  109 714 3 700 1 100  113 845
+ Share dividend received 2 900 1 4 4 871 1 500 0 5 5 751
+ Realised capital gains 2 400 1 7 7 797 1 400 0 5 5 827
- Realised capital losses  400 0 2 2 636 1 500 0 5 6 254
+ Other capital incomes 2 000 1 10 10 518 1 500 0 8 9 562
+ Transfers  120 200 38 100  110 229  116 600 37 100  114 212
+ Taxable transfers 68 800 22 91  100 819 64 200 20 90  102 981
+ Pensions from the National Insurance Scheme 40 100 13 56 61 942 34 600 11 46 52 634
+ Service pensions, annuities etc. 2 800 1 8 8 659 2 800 1 7 8 241
+ Unemployment benefit 2 900 1 9 9 789 3 100 1 9 10 182
+ Alimonies etc. 23 100 7 84 92 891 23 700 8 83 94 499
+ Tax-free transfers 51 400 16 100  110 229 52 400 17 100  114 212
+ Family allowances 26 100 8 100  110 229 29 400 9 100  114 212
+ Dwelling support 3 100 1 18 19 744 3 200 1 18 20 231
+ Scholarships 2 900 1 19 20 674 3 100 1 20 22 616
+ Parent's tax deduction 2 800 1 99  108 987 . . . .
+ Social assistance 3 900 1 16 17 934 4 700 1 17 19 192
+ Basic and additional amounts 2 000 1 9 9 602 2 100 1 9 10 194
+ Cash benefit 2 700 1 12 13 165 2 500 1 11 12 853
+ Maternity grant  600 0 2 1 928  500 0 2 1 765
+ Other tax-free income(s) 7 300 2 42 46 815 6 800 2 40 45 810
= Total income  312 700 100 100  110 229  315 200 100 100  114 212
- Total assessed taxes and negative transfers 51 800 17 90 99 675 52 700 17 91  103 553
+ Assessed taxes 49 000 16 100  110 046 49 700 16 90  102 242
+ Negative transfers 2 800 1 42 46 155 3 000 1 43 49 026
= After-tax income  260 800 83 100  110 229  262 400 83 100  114 212
- Interest payments and housing income 24 600 8 96  105 330 28 600 9 95  108 543
+ Interest payments 27 000 9 95  104 183 31 400 10 94  107 234
- Housing income 2 400 1 58 64 469 2 800 1 59 67 535
= After-tax income and interest payments/housing income  236 200 76 100  110 229  233 900 74 100  114 212
Number of families  110 229        114 212      
1  Single parents are those who have family allowance for one more child than they actually have.

Explanation of symbols