Statistics Norway

1   Income account for residents at current kroner. Million NOK. 1996-2002 (Corrected 14.01.2005)
  1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Salary  451 767.6  488 134.6  533 030.6  564 638.6  595 486.5  632 340.0  664 336.7
+ Wages and salaries  410 055.7  443 304.6  486 143.3  517 916.6  545 151.9  578 613.6  608 592.1
+ Net entrepreneurial income 41 711.8 44 830.0 46 887.3 46 722.0 50 334.6 53 726.4 55 744.6
+ Property income 40 156.1 43 446.1 44 648.2 55 757.0 77 417.0 49 155.2 73 795.5
+ Interest received 11 627.9 9 038.5 12 852.6 17 221.1 18 854.0 24 225.9 25 879.8
+ Share dividend received 11 279.6 12 886.5 17 754.9 19 132.0 29 265.7 13 239.9 42 548.0
+ Realised capital gains 8 467.6 13 069.0 7 757.0 11 547.5 20 468.3 10 214.9 6 149.7
- Realised capital losses 1 375.8 1 392.4 3 898.9 2 832.7 3 496.0 9 652.0 12 010.1
+ Other capital incomes 10 156.8 9 844.5 10 182.5 10 689.1 12 325.1 11 126.6 11 228.1
+ Transfers  138 469.5  144 803.3  155 039.4  165 787.0  176 922.2  187 526.3  201 614.8
+ Taxable transfers  112 095.7  116 885.7  125 794.9  134 604.7  144 243.8  154 015.9  167 313.1
+ Social security benefits 78 941.1 83 774.3 92 036.8 98 473.9  104 637.3  110 986.3  120 268.3
+ Service pensions etc. 20 946.0 22 306.9 24 817.6 26 796.2 29 235.3 31 817.3 34 077.2
+ Unemployment benefit 8 877.0 7 284.1 5 242.1 5 387.8 6 079.5 6 538.6 8 104.5
+ Alimonies etc. 3 331.6 3 520.4 3 698.4 3 946.9 4 291.8 4 673.7 4 863.1
+ Tax-free transfers 26 373.8 27 917.6 29 244.5 31 182.3 32 678.4 33 510.4 34 301.7
+ Family allowances 12 525.0 12 959.5 13 125.2 12 910.3 12 517.4 14 767.4 14 885.5
+ Dwelling support  792.5 1 356.2 1 466.3 1 539.4 1 630.5 1 766.4 1 712.9
+ Scholarships 3 630.8 3 989.0 4 326.5 4 550.9 4 809.6 4 926.2 5 360.5
+ Parent's tax deduction 1 971.7 1 975.1 1 960.0 1 973.8 1 986.9 . .
+ Social assistance 3 986.4 3 913.5 3 663.9 3 754.6 3 938.0 4 244.6 4 525.7
+ Basic and additional amounts 2 083.5 2 218.7 2 228.2 2 290.3 2 593.2 2 675.3 2 771.3
+ Cash benefit . .  772.7 2 339.3 3 001.2 2 973.0 2 908.6
+ Maternity grant  547.7  517.7  483.3  472.8  460.5  415.1  390.4
+ Other transfers  836.1  988.1 1 218.3 1 351.0 1 741.0 1 742.4 1 746.9
= Total income  630 393.2  676 384.0  732 718.1  786 182.6  849 825.8  869 021.5  939 747.0
- Total assessed taxes and negative transfers  160 901.2  175 605.0  190 024.4  201 683.2  216 877.1  226 985.4  234 637.1
+ Assessed taxes  155 218.6  169 570.9  183 571.4  194 703.2  209 457.4  219 108.1  226 345.0
+ Negative transfers 5 682.6 6 034.1 6 453.0 6 980.0 7 419.8 7 877.3 8 292.1
= After-tax income  469 492.0  500 779.0  542 693.7  584 499.4  632 948.6  642 036.1  705 110.0
- Interest payments and housing income 33 609.1 29 488.7 37 193.4 46 973.2 49 211.9 59 362.9 65 441.6
+ Interest payments 38 932.0 34 962.4 43 159.5 53 045.3 56 144.5 67 858.9 73 190.8
- Housing income 5 322.9 5 473.7 5 966.1 6 072.1 6 932.6 8 496.0 7 749.2
= After-tax income and interest payments/housing income  435 882.9  471 290.3  505 500.3  537 526.2  583 736.8  582 673.2  639 668.3
Number of residents 4 392 729 4 417 612 4 445 340 4 478 497 4 503 436 4 524 066 4 552 252

Explanation of symbols