Statistics Norway

Unemployment among immigrants

8 Unemployed persons not registered as residents, by region of birth and age. By the end of February 2008 and 2009
  February 2008 February 2009 Change 2008-2009
  Total 15-29 years 30 years and more Total 15-29 years 30 years and more Total 15-29 years 30 years and more
Total  566  175  391 1 254  412  842  688  237  451
Norway 11 1 10 48 11 37 37 10 27
The Nordic countries else  117 36 81  324  125  199  207 89  118
Western Europe else  144 29  115  183 46  137 39 17 22
EU countries in Eastern Europe  145 56 89  504  150  354  359 94  265
Of which                  
Poland 86 37 49  318 91  227  232 54  178
Lithuania 30 9 21  115 38 77 85 29 56
Other countries  149 53 96  195 80  115 46 27 19

Explanation of symbols