Statistics Norway

Unemployment among immigrants

8 Unemployed persons not registered as resident, by region of birth and age. By the end of May 2008 and 2009
  May 2008 May 2009 Change 2008-2009
  Total 15-29 years 30 years and more Total 15-29 years 30 years and more Total 15-29 years 30 years and more
Total  516  157  359 1 348  444  904  832  287  545
Norway 15 5 10 48 7 41 33 2 31
The Nordic countries else  119 33 86  397  164  233  278  131  147
Western Europe else  117 20 97  196 46  150 79 26 53
EU countries in Eastern Europe  110 43 67  491  150  341  381  107  274
Of which:                  
Poland 72 32 40  299 88  211  227 56  171
Lithuania 22 7 15  112 35 77 90 28 62
Other countries  155 56 99  216 77  139 61 21 40

Explanation of symbols