Statistics Norway

Unemployment among immigrants

8 Unemployed persons not registered as residents, by region of birth and age. By the end of August 2008 and 2009
  August 2008 August 2009 Change 2008-2009
  Total 15-29 years 30 years and more Total 15-29 years 30 years and more Total 15-29 years 30 years and more
Total  615  193  422 1 288  445  843  673  252  421
Norway 19 5 14 48 15 33 29 10 19
The Nordic countries else  128 43 85  371  158  213  243  115  128
Western Europe else  148 38  110  197 53  144 49 15 34
EU countries in Eastern Europe  157 53  104  469  140  329  312 87  225
Of which:                  
Poland 87 36 51  294 86  208  207 50  157
Lithuania 24 7 17  101 32 69 77 25 52
Other countries  163 54  109  203 79  124 40 25 15

Explanation of symbols