Immigrant population

3   Population by three variants of country background,country of birth and citizenship.1 January 2001
  Population by
Country background/Country of birth/Citizenship Country background defined by persons with migration background2 Country background defined by immigrant population3 Country background defined by first generation immigrants4 Country of birth Citizenship
Total 4 503 436 4 503 436 4 503 436    4 503 436 4 503 436
Norway 3 997 568 4 205 705 4 253 532 4 198 401 4 319 099
Abroad, total 505 868 297 731 249 904 305 035 184 337
Europe 281 938 145 998 131 890 159 224 118 104
Albania 206 156 129 154 132
Andorra 4 2 2 2 -
Belgium 1 712 595 547 897 445
Bosnia-Herzegovina 13 186 12 944 11 775 11 747 11 611
Bulgaria 1 382 842 805 858 413
Denmark 48 731 19 049 17 728 21 954 19 405
Estonia 437 342 333 339 301
Finland 12 658 6 776 6 434 6 847 6 003
France 5 219 2 350 2 241 2 922 2 279
Faroe Islands 1 849 770 707 820 -
Gibraltar 15 4 4 6 -
Greenland 280 119 116 183 -
Greece 1 420 533 504 605 315
Ireland 1 048 445 428 482 438
Iceland 5 955 3 756 3 441 3 700 3 930
Italy 2 934 1 265 1 193 1 462 1 107
Yugoslavia 17 063 15 469 13 001 12 864 8 849
Croatia 2 092 1 863 1 694 1 715 1 573
Belarus 162 134 131 135 113
Latvia 458 385 373 389 343
Liechtenstein 9 5 5 5 3
Lithuania 448 378 366 374 359
Luxembourg 111 24 24 90 17
Macedonia 880 789 582 591 259
Malta 97 41 41 52 20
Moldova 53 43 37 38 29
Monaco 11 3 3 6 1
Netherlands 8 348 3 848 3 388 4 141 3 587
Poland 9 689 6 432 5 698 5 862 2 023
Portugal 1 339 704 637 709 564
Romania 1 621 1 054 987 1 139 480
Russia 4 524 3 749 3 662 3 866 3 288
San Marino 9 7 4 5 1
Slovakia 260 207 182 190 140
Slovenia 102 53 51 60 14
USSR 769 413 364 373 54
Spain 3 530 1 382 1 293 1 650 1 136
United Kingdom 29 604 10 925 10 342 14 174 11 074
Switzerland 2 785 922 851 1 493 866
Sweden 58 093 23 010 22 100 33 251 25 170
Czech Republic 877 557 513 536 187
Czechoslovakia 787 382 323 332 53
Turkey 12 355 10 990 7 507 7 566 3 299
Germany 23 073 9 448 8 923 11 766 7 055
Ukraine 466 399 379 383 284
Hungary 3 073 1 666 1 306 1 451 291
Austria 2 208 768 736 1 040 593
Europe, unspecified 6 - - - -
Africa 38 654 29 568 23 118 25 334 13 594
Algeria 1 421 927 740 757 301
Angola 154 96 94 102 40
Benin 8 5 4 7 -
Botswana 95 48 47 88 44
Burkina Faso 16 10 10 10 5
Burundi 72 69 63 61 80
Central African Republic 6 2 2 2 1
British Indian Ocean Territory 5 2 2 3  
Djibouti 17 12 9 9 5
Egypt 743 413 373 394 142
Equatorial Guinea 2 2 2 2 1
Ivory Coast 211 110 100 127 41
Eritrea 870 813 573 582 196
Ethiopia 3 708 2 803 2 285 2 864 1 041
Gabon 8 5 5 6 5
Gambia 1 573 1 050 826 828 479
Ghana 1 612 1 355 1 040 1 056 677
Guinea 47 39 29 30 16
Guinea-Bissau 30 13 11 12 4
Cameroon 256 83 81 221 67
Cape Verde 400 297 231 232 53
Kenya 1 202 689 581 870 305
Comoros 4 3 2 2 1
Congo Brazzaville 77 60 55 68 61
Congo former Zaire 437 276 226 300 151
Lesotho 11 8 8 9 3
Liberia 101 29 28 73 11
Libya 102 62 56 76 24
Madagascar 671 141 130 376 39
Malawi 11 11 11 11 8
Mali 30 16 11 17 7
Morocco 7 100 5 719 3 870 3 893 1 440
Mauritania 20 11 11 12 3
Mauritius 297 181 136 140 32
Mozambique 117 72 67 77 31
Namibia 63 48 45 49 38
Niger 10 6 5 5 2
Nigeria 850 541 416 441 232
Reunion 1 - - 1 -
Rwanda 234 218 192 182 199
Senegal 127 83 71 78 39
Seychelles 26 11 11 13 3
Sierra Leone 356 247 211 212 130
Somalia 10 318 10 107 7 905 7 837 6 152
Spanish territories in Africa - - - - -
St. Helena 13 2 2 5 -
Sudan 479 433 380 392 329
Swaziland 21 4 4 13 2
South Africa 1 402 491 465 748 172
Tanzania 738 464 404 538 322
Togo 91 80 64 63 35
Chad 8 6 6 7 4
Tunisia 1 172 648 543 559 238
Uganda 685 501 440 481 213
Zambia 259 114 110 198 80
Zimbabwe 211 119 112 157 90
Africa, unspecified 156 13 13 38 -
Asia 126 807 101 600 76 187 87 238 37 201
Afghanistan 1 370 1 346 1 179 1 138 953
Armenia 54 47 46 50 41
Azerbaijan 101 95 84 83 76
Bahrain 31 11 8 17 1
Bangladesh 698 490 366 504 229
Bhutan 19 10 8 17 8
Brunei 24 7 4 19 1
United Arab Emirates 84 33 22 88 2
Palestine 92 64 47 49 -
Philippines 10 059 5 885 5 105 6 030 1 962
Georgia 27 22 21 21 16
Hong Kong 1 098 742 572 890 -
India 8 277 6 140 4 103 5 244 2 174
Indonesia 882 405 362 595 227
Iraq 12 630 12 357 11 212 11 345 9 891
Iran 12 230 11 016 9 645 9 327 3 795
Israel 1 118 485 435 535 223
Japan 1 385 562 532 906 413
Yemen 52 51 33 37 14
Jordan 203 144 107 119 45
Cambodia 303 277 206 174 31
Kazakhstan 70 60 58 60 25
China 5 341 3 654 3 043 3 816 1 202
Kyrgyzstan 8 6 6 7 4
Kuwait 178 133 104 144 5
Cyprus 242 90 86 104 38
Laos 61 56 49 49 33
Lebanon 2 065 1 613 1 188 1 217 302
Macao 29 29 25 33 -
Malaysia 498 257 228 293 156
Maldives 5 3 3 3 4
Mongolia 11 8 8 10 8
Myanmar 78 63 58 58 34
Nepal 243 157 150 198 146
North Korea 30 16 13 26 6
Oman 21 9 9 28 16
Pakistan 24 915 23 581 13 554 13 617 6 731
Qatar 20 8 5 17 -
Saudi Arabia 93 47 40 207 12
Singapore 526 220 197 384 110
Sri Lanka 11 043 10 335 7 292 7 460 3 177
Syria 982 860 623 645 191
Republic of Korea 6 495 393 362 6 086 200
Tajikistan 18 17 16 16 13
Taiwan 220 113 95 154 24
Thailand 5 953 3 738 3 586 4 057 2 725
Turkmenistan 16 16 13 13 12
Uzbekistan 37 35 34 34 26
Vietnam 16 804 15 880 11 231 11 289 1 897
East Timor 3 3 3 3 2
Asia, unspecified 65 11 11 22 -
North and Central America 37 834 10 119 9 715 19 169 10 174
Antigua and Barbuda 2 1 1 1 1
Aruba 23 8 8 9 -
Bahamas 14 4 4 10 2
Barbados 37 16 16 19 8
Belize 5 3 3 3 2
Bermuda 14 3 3 9 -
Canada 4 217 1 120 1 076 2 237 1 181
Cayman Islands 5 3 1 1  
Costa Rica 224 52 52 176 36
Cuba 384 286 279 292 246
Netherlands Antilles 62 16 15 35 -
Dominican Republic 373 276 248 263 158
Dominica 22 12 9 9 3
El Salvador 167 134 110 114 36
Grenada 19 13 11 11 3
Guatemala 376 81 72 298 42
Haiti 19 9 9 13 2
Honduras 122 64 50 61 12
Jamaica 137 73 69 80 34
British Virgin Islands 3 1 1 3 -
United States Virgin Islands 18 3 3 5 -
Martinique 6 3 3 3 -
Mexico 726 358 346 420 246
Monteserrat -        
Nicaragua 143 78 73 100 41
Panama 39 24 22 27 11
Puerto Rico 16 8 8 13 -
St. Kitts and Nevis 1 - - 1 -
St. Lucia 12 10 7 7 3
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 5 2 2 2 2
Trinidad and Tobago 575 204 199 273 68
Turks and Caicos Islands 1 1 1 1 -
United States 30 059 7 253 7 014 14 671 8 037
North and Central America, unspecified 8 - - 2 -
South America 18 167 9 547 8 127 12 693 4 075
Argentina 1 030 378 350 541 110
Bolivia 382 134 121 283 57
Brazil 1 943 824 791 1 383 653
Chile 8 641 6 491 5 300 5 514 2 361
Colombia 3 823 604 551 3 472 329
Ecuador 522 174 160 392 107
Falkland Islands 3 3 1 1 -
Guyana 168 75 73 80 19
Paraguay 109 35 34 75 19
Peru 909 492 435 578 264
Suriname 35 17 17 20 5
Uruguay 291 167 146 157 40
Venezuela 304 152 147 196 111
South- America, unspecified 7 1 1 1 -
Oceania 2 468 899 867 1 377 773
American Samoa 6 - - 2 -
Australia 1 692 609 586 988 564
Christmas Island 1 -   1 -
Cook Islands 4 -   1 -
Fiji 40 19 19 22 8
French Polynesia 4 1 1 3 -
Kiribati 1 -   1 -
Micronesia, Federated States of 2 1 1 1 -
New Zealand 673 252 243 336 197
Palau 2 1 1 1 1
Papua New Guinea 6 3 3 6 -
Solomon Islands 7 3 3 3 2
Tonga 12 5 5 5 -
Tuvalu 3 1 1 2 1
Vanuatu 2 1 1 1 -
Samoa 2 1 1 2 -
Oceania, unspecified 11 2 2 2 -
Stateless - - - - 380
Unknown - - - - 36
1  General definition:own, mother's or father's country of birth if it is foreign, otherwise Norway.
2  His/her own, mothers or fathers country of birth( if it is foreign) for foreign born persons or persons with two foreign-born parents, otherwise Norway.
3  His/her own, mothers orfathers country of birth( if it is foreign) for persons with two foreign born parents, otherwise Norway.
4  Own, mother's or father's country of birth for persons with two foreign born parents, otherwise Norway.

Explanation of symbols