Immigrant population

1   Five different delimitations of persons with immigration background/foreign background, by citizenship and immigrant category. 1 January 2002
Citizenship Immigrant category Persons with immigration background Immigrant population1 First generation immigrants without Norwegian background2 Foreign born Foreign citizens
Norwegian and foreign citizens, total  526 140  310 704  259 221  315 147  185 863
Without immigration background3 - - - - 1 771
First generation immigrants without Norwegian background  259 221  259 221  259 221  259 221  158 958
Persons born in Norway with two foreign-born parents4 51 483 51 483 - - 11 044
Adopted abroad5 14 796 - - 14 796  288
Foreign born with one parent born in Norway6 23 926 - - 23 926 3 841
Born in Norway with one foreign born parent6  159 510 - - - 9 541
Born abroad with both parents born in Norway5 17 204 - - 17 204  420
Norwegian citizens, total  342 048  140 702  100 263  151 640 -
Without immigration background3 - - - - -
First generation immmigrants without Norwegian background  100 263  100 263  100 263  100 263 -
Persons born in Norway with to foreign born parents4 40 439 40 439 - - -
Adopted abroad5 14 508 - - 14 508 -
Foreign born with one parent born in Norwey6 20 085 - - 20 085 -
Born in Norway with one foreign born parent6  149 969 - - - -
Born abroad with both parents born in Norway5 16 784 - - 16 784 -
Foreign citizens, total  184 092  170 002  158 958  163 507  185 863
Without immigration background3 - - - - 1 771
First generation immigrants without Norwegian background  158 958  158 958  158 958  158 958  158 958
Persons born in Norway with two foreign born parents4 11 044 11 044 - - 11 044
Adopted abroad5  288 - -  288  288
Foreign born with one parent born in Norway6 3 841 - - 3 841 3 841
Born in Norway with one foreign born parent6 9 541 - - - 9 541
Born abroad with both parents born in Norway5  420 - -  420  420
1  The immigrant population includes persons with two foreign-born parents. More precisely:Persons with no parents or grandparents born in Norway.
2  'Without Norwegian background' is simplification of 'Without parents or grandparents born in Norway'.
3  This is among others persons born in Norway (with parents born there too) who have migrated to a foreign country and got a citizenship of this country , and later returned to Norway.
4  Born in Norway with two foreign born parents/without parents or grandparents born in Norway.
5  Some of the persons in the category ' born abroad with two parents born in Norway ' have been placed in 'adopted abroad ' og vice versa. Adopted abroad with two foreign born adoptive parents are counted as first generation immigrants without Norwegian background.
6  Includes a smaller number persons with two foreign born parents, but with at least one grandparent born i Norway.

Explanation of symbols