Immigrant population

4   Population by grouping of three variants of country background, country of birth and citizenship, 1 january 2002
Country background/country of birth/citizenship Population by
Country background, persons with immigration background1 country background, immigrant population2 Country background, first generation immigrants without Norwegian background3 Country of birth Citizenship
Total 4 524 066 4 524 066 4 524 066 4 524 066 4 524 066
Norway 3 997 926 4 213 362 4 264 845 4 208 919 4 338 203
Abroad, total  526 140  310 704  259 221  315 147  185 863
Europa  288 052  148 654  133 653  161 087  115 691
Africa 41 802 32 179 24 986 27 298 14 689
Asia  135 663  108 888 81 554 93 016 39 922
North- and Central America 39 054 10 101 9 682 19 180 10 112
South America 18 993 9 950 8 447 13 148 4 158
Oceania 2 576  932  899 1 418  806
Stateless - - - -  446
Unknown - - - - 39
Europa except Turkey  275 023  137 104  125 845  153 211  112 352
Africa 41 802 32 179 24 986 27 298 14 689
Asia with Turkey  148 692  120 438 89 362  100 892 43 261
North-America 35 236 8 227 7 939 16 782 9 084
South- and Central- America 22 811 11 824 10 190 15 546 5 186
Oceania 2 576  932  899 1 418  806
Stateless - - - -  446
Unknown - - - - 39
Scandinavia  129 232 53 466 50 470 66 761 54 906
West-Europe else, except Turkey 85 358 33 961 31 760 42 146 30 123
East-Europe 60 433 49 677 43 615 44 304 27 323
North-America and Oceania 37 812 9 159 8 838 18 200 9 890
Asia,Africa, South- and Central America,Turkey, stateless and unknown  213 305  164 441  124 538  143 736 63 621
Western countries4  252 402 96 586 91 068  127 107 94 919
Non-western countries, stateless and unknown  273 738  214 118  168 153  188 040 90 459
Stateless and unknown - - - -  485
Selected groups          
EØS  209 474 85 581 80 526  106 346 84 139
EU  203 388 81 764 77 039  102 593 80 144
EFTA 8 910 4 739 4 336 5 253 4 861
EØS out of Scandinavia 82 389 32 976 30 851 40 571 29 230
Ex Yugoslavia 32 858 30 574 26 164 26 012 17 346
Ex- Sovietunion 9 457 7 726 7 446 7 716 6 299
North-Africa5 11 120 8 218 5 831 5 936 2 225
West-Africa6 5 206 3 680 2 862 3 004 1 578
East-Africa 3 162 2 087 1 800 2 270 1 177
Southern Africa7 3 664 1 419 1 305 2 090  627
Central-Asia  592  550  525  525  425
Southeast Asia 37 382 28 322 22 215 24 223 7 308
Southern-Asia 62 925 56 791 38 870 40 108 18 554
Westhern-Asia 17 176 15 685 13 792 14 369 11 382
East-Asia 15 277 5 747 4 848 12 437 1 931
1  Own, mother's or father's country of birth if it is foreign, otherwise Norway.
2  Own, mother's or father's country of birth (if it is foreign ) for persons with to foreign-born parents, otherwise Norway.
3  Own, mother's or father's country of birth for foreign born with two foreign born parents, otherwise Norway.
4  West- Europe except Turkey, and North-America and Oceania.
5  From Morocco to Egypt.
6  Chad and towards the westwards.
7  From Angola to Madagascar and southwards.

Explanation of symbols