Statistics Norway

Immigrant population

1   Population 1st January 2006 and 2007 and changes in 2006, by immigrant category and country background
Country background Population 1.1.2006 Livebirths Deaths Excess of births Immigrations Emigrations Net migrations Increase in population1 Population 1.1.2007
Befolkningen, i alt 4 640 219 58 545 41 253 17 292 45 776 22 053 23 723 41 015 4 681 134
Without immigrant background 4 011 560 45 928 39 406 6 522 5 000 6 260 -1 260 5 262 4 016 385
With immigration background, total  628 659 12 617 1 847 10 770 40 776 15 793 24 983 35 753  664 749
First generation immigrants without Norwegian background  318 514 223 1 266 -1 243 37 677 12 949 24 728 23 485  341 830
Persons born in Norway with two foreign born parents 68 185 5 689 50 5 639  396 1 093 -697 4 942 73 488
Foreign born with one parent born in Norway 27 295 2 58 -56 1 283  465  818  762 28 092
Born in Norway with one foreign born parent  180 107 6 903  417 6 486  731 1 140 -409 6 077  186 152
Born abroad with both parents born in Norway3 34 558 - 56 -56  689  146  543  487 35 187
Immigrant population4  386 699 5 712 1 316 4 396 38 073 14 042 24 031 28 427  415 318
Non immigrant population 4 253 520 52 833 39 937 12 896 7 703 8 011 -308 12 588 4 265 816
Immigrant population by country background5                  
Total  386 699 5 712 1 316 4 396 38 073 14 042 24 031 28 427  415 318
Nordic Countries 53 551  270  394 -124 5 049 3 973 1 076  952 54 467
Eastern Europe 68 210 1 071  203  868 12 535 2 036 10 499 11 367 79 622
Western Europe 38 635  261  232 29 5 202 2 218 2 984 3 013 41 464
Asia with Turkey  155 264 2 652  255 2 397 9 018 3 184 5 834 8 231  163 536
Afrika 47 532 1 318 64 1 254 3 913 1 429 2 484 3 738 51 598
South- and Central America 14 293  108 30 78 1 168  452  716  794 15 094
Northern America 8 117 25  132 -107  879  593  286  179 8 284
Oceania 1 097 7 6 1  309  157  152  153 1 253
Selected groups within the immigrant population                  
Pakistan 27 675  444 76  368  691  458  233  601 28 278
Sweden 23 489  126  124 2 2 911 1 851 1 060 1 062 24 527
Iraq 20 076  593 29  564 1 010  264  746 1 310 21 418
Somalia 18 015  704 20  684 1 321  473  848 1 532 19 656
Denmark 19 179 64  194 -130 1 263 1 218 45 -85 19 090
Poland 11 864  156 47  109 7 476  619 6 857 6 966 18 834
Vietnam 18 333  276 30  246  341  159  182  428 18 783
Bosnia-Herzegovina 14 822  206 61  145  202 89  113  258 15 667
Iran 14 362  152 12  140  383  230  153  293 14 662
Turkey 14 084  245 20  225  428  179  249  474 14 546
Germany 12 900  122 72 50 2 247  732 1 515 1 565 14 467
Sri Lanka 12 560  243 12  231  258  300 -42  189 12 757
Serbia6 12 905 33 20 13  425  134  291  304 12 500
United Kingdom 11 031 44 80 -36  889  517  372  336 11 349
Russia 10 351  208 15  193 1 098  303  795  988 11 338
1  The population increase is different if you take the difference between 1.1. 2005 and 1.1.2004, or using births - deaths + immigration - emigration. This is due to data technical issues.
2  These persons have re-registrered. They should only have been birth-registrered.
3  Foreign adopted persons are included here.
4  Sum of the categories 'First generation immigrants' and *Persons born in Norway with two foreign born parents'.
5  Due to changes in the variable country background, there can occur deviation for the population growth.
6  Serbia Montenegro is divided between Serbia (including Kosovo) and Montenegro.

Explanation of symbols