Statistics Norway

Immigrant population

1 Population 1 January 2007 and 2008 and changes in 2007, by immigrant category and country background
Country background Population
Livebirths Deaths Excess of births Immigrations Emigrations Net migrations Increase in
Befolkningen, i alt 4 681 134 58 459 41 953 16 506 61 774 22 122 39 652 56 158 4 737 171
Without immigrant background 4 016 385 45 278 40 124 5 154 4 750 5 843 -1 093 4 061 4 020 204
With immigration background, total  664 749 13 157 1 829 11 328 57 024 16 279 40 745 52 073  716 967
First generation immigrants without Norwegian background  341 830 224 1 298 -1 298 53 817 13 609 40 208 38 910  380 644
Persons born in Norway with two foreign born parents 73 488 6 043 40 6 003  517 1 004 -487 5 516 78 970
Foreign born with one parent born in Norway 28 092 - 52 -52 1 329  439  890  838 28 968
Born in Norway with one foreign born parent  186 152 7 108  402 6 706  733 1 093 -360 6 346  192 637
Born abroad with both parents born in Norway3 35 187 6 37 -31  628  134  494  463 35 748
Immigrant population4  415 318 6 067 1 338 4 729 54 334 14 613 39 721 44 450  459 614
Non immigrant population 4 265 816 52 392 40 615 11 777 7 440 7 509 -69 11 708 4 277 557
Immigrant population by country background5                  
Total  415 318 6 067 1 338 4 729 54 334 14 613 39 721 44 450  459 614
Nordic Countries 54 467  261  426 -165 6 082 3 859 2 223 2 058 56 483
Eastern Europe 79 622 1 310  214 1 096 22 250 2 892 19 358 20 454  100 060
Western Europe 41 464  293  249 44 7 254 2 185 5 069 5 113 46 555
Asia with Turkey  163 536 2 673  219 2 454 11 147 3 082 8 065 10 519  174 040
Afrika 51 598 1 402 68 1 334 4 808 1 355 3 453 4 787 56 376
South- and Central America 15 094  104 32 72 1 428  460  968 1 040 16 118
Northern America 8 284 18  125 -107 1 035  644  391  284 8 533
Oseania 1 253 6 5 1  330  136  194  195 1 449
Selected groups within the immigrant population                  
Poland 18 834  364 48  316 14 227 1 303 12 924 13 240 32 069
Pakistan 28 278  465 61  404  866  402  464  868 29 134
Sweden 24 527  138  153 -15 3 793 2 038 1 755 1 740 26 244
Iraq 21 418  593 14  579 1 118  247  871 1 450 22 881
Somalia 19 656  701 20  681 1 793  363 1 430 2 111 21 795
Vietnam 18 783  272 29  243  297  115  182  425 19 226
Denmark 19 090 47  208 -161 1 272  969  303  142 19 220
Germany 14 467  161 83 78 3 661  738 2 923 3 001 17 472
Bosnia-Herzegovina 15 667  175 61  114  238 92  146  260 15 649
Iran 14 662  168 15  153  513  190  323  476 15 134
Turkey 14 546  225 16  209  424  176  248  457 15 003
Sri Lanka 12 757  212 8  204  6345  241  6104  6308 13 063
Russia 11 338  212 22  190 1 547  262 1 285 1 475 12 823
United Kingdom 11 349 30 86 -56 1 045  542  503  447 11 784
1  The difference in population two subsequent years as a rule will deviate from the total of birth surplus and net migration. The deviation in the population accounts is due to belated reports, annulments, corrections etc.
2  These persons have re-registrered. They should only have been birth-registrered.
3  Foreign adopted persons are included here.
4  Sum of the categories 'First generation immigrants' and *Persons born in Norway with two foreign born parents'.
5  Due to changes in the variable country background, there can occur deviation for the population growth.
6  Corrected 29 April 2008 at 14:05 p.m.

Explanation of symbols