Statistics Norway

Immigrant population

4 Three variants of immigration background, country of birth and citizenship, 1 January 2008
Country background/country of birth/citizenship Population by
Immigration background Country of birth Citizenship
Country background defined by persons with migration background1 Country background defined by first generation immigrants3 Persons born in Norway with two foreign born parents Country background defined by immigrant population2
Abroad, total  716 967  380 644 78 970  459 614  445 360  265 084
Western countries4  286 746  106 150 6 870  113 020  146 179  114 545
Non-western countries, statless and unknown  430 221  274 494 72 100  346 594  299 181  150 539
Choosen groups            
EØS  292 968  136 855 8 701  145 556  137 544  139 579
EU  291 912  137 189 8 586  145 775  166 613  137 862
EFTA 9 556 4 217  461 4 678 4 212 4 835
EEA out of Scandinavia  101 029 42 478 2 927 45 405 42 836 42 682
Former Yugoslavia 39 275 28 708 7 341 36 049 28 533 9 652
Former Sovietunion 28 930 23 393 1 514 24 907 23 359 19 974
1  Own, mother's or father's country of birth if it is foreign, otherwise Norway.
2  Own, mother's or fathers country of birth (if it is foreign ) for persons with to foreign-born parents, otherwise Norway.
3  Own,mother's or father's country of birth for foreign born with two foreign born parents, otherwise Norway.
4  [Western- Europe, North-America and Oceania.

Explanation of symbols