Statistics Norway

Immigrants by reason for immigration

3 Immigrations1, by reason for immigration and citizenship. 2011
Citizenship Total Labour Family Refugee Training2 Other
Family, total Familyreunified to person
with refugee background
Total 54 319 26 712 16 200 2 022 5 221 5 812  374
Europe 35 156 24 270 8 563  181  100 2 031  192
Asia with Turkey 10 706 1 348 4 637  736 1 702 2 865  154
Africa 5 551  252 1 642  919 3 253  386 18
North America 1 076  404  432 10 -  236 4
South and Central America 1 167  246  663 3 6  251 1
Oceania  270  170 63 - - 34 3
Stateless  393 22  200  173  160 9 2
First citizenship from Africa, Asia,
South and Central America, Europe except EU/EEA and
Oceania except Australia og New Zealand
20 207 2 524 8 262 2 005 5 219 4 009  193
First citizenship from EU/EEA, USA, Canada, Australia og New Zealand 34 112 24 188 7 938 17 2 1 803  181
Selected countries              
Poland 11 713 9 125 2 489 : 0 87 12
Lithuania 7 423 5 622 1 742 : : 55 :
Philippines 2 424  125  687 0 0 1 483  129
Germany 2 075 1 173  529 : 0  332 41
Latvia 2 053 1 481  547 0 0 22 3
Eritrea 1 908 1  363  323 1 542 : :
Somalia 1 600 2  408  376 1 190 0 0
Romania 1 328  850  429 0 0 44 5
United Kingdom 1 300  916  298 4 0 51 35
Thailand 1 210 51 1 096 : 0 61 2
Afghanistan 1 051 3  227  190  819 : :
China 1 043  171  296 20  165  408 3
India  997  492  396 : 0 97 12
Estonia  988  804  161 0 : 22 :
Russia  917  173  402 25 87  251 4
Spain  914  494  157 0 0  249 14
USA  863  291  373 8 0  195 4
France  780  375  141 0 0  261 3
Iran  768 70  246 87  302  149 :
Bulgaria  740  500  215 0 : 20 :
Netherlands  572  324  178 0 0 49 21
Iraq  548 20  351  270  176 : :
Slovakia  546  441 78 0 : 25 :
Pakistan  514 77  341 13 : 91 :
Italy  470  278 94 0 0 94 4
Ukraine  460  112  217 5 :  126 :
1  First time immigrations by immigrants (born abroad to foreign-born parents) with non-Nordic citizenship.
2  Au pairs have training as reason for immigration.

Explanation of symbols