Attitude towards immigrants and immigration policy

1   Attitudes towards five assertions on immigrants. 2002. Per cent
  All Strongly agree Agree on the whole Neither agree nor disagree Disagree on the whole Strongly disagree Don't know Number of persons that answered
Most immigrants make an important contribution in the Norwegian work life  100 18 48 12 14 5 2 1 410
Most immigrants abuse the system of social benefits  100 14 27 14 30 13 2 1 405
Most immigrants enrich the cultural life in Norway  100 24 39 12 14 8 2 1 409
Most immigrants are a cause of insecurity in society  100 17 28 13 25 16 1 1 410
All immigrants in Norway should have the same opportunities to have a job as Norwegians  100 60 26 4 6 4 1 1 410

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