Attitude towards immigrants and immigration policy

5   Attitudes towards the assertion 'Most immigrants are a cause of unseurity in society'1. EU countries spring 2000 and Norway fall 2002. Per cent
Country2 Agree on the whole Don't know Disagree on the whole
Sweden 24 10 66
Finland 32 8 61
United Kingdom 32 20 48
Spain 34 11 56
Italy 38 16 46
Luxembourg 40 13 47
Ireland 42 14 43
Austria 44 17 39
Netherlands 45 11 44
Norway 2002 45 14 41
Germany 46 19 34
France 51 8 41
Belgium 56 9 35
Denmark 60 7 33
Greece 77 3 19
EU countries, total 42 15 43
1  The exact wording in the questions in the two surveys is given in chapter 3, Notes 2002/75.
2  Comparable figures for Portugal are missing.
Source: Source: Eurobarometer 2000 and Statistics Norway's Omnibus survey 3-2002.

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