Attitude towards immigrants and immigration policy

6   Attitudes towards refugees access to the country. 'Then a question on refugees' access to Norway. Compared to how it is now, should there be introduced restrictions, should reliefs be introduced, or should the rules for obtaining residence permits remain unchanged?'1 2002. Per cent2
Country Reliefs Unchanged Restrictions
Sweden 15 44 41
Norway 5 40 55
Denmark 10 34 56
Germany 16 24 60
United Kingdom 8 15 77
1  The wording in the Norwegian question was slightly different: 'Compared to today, should it be easier for refugees and asylum seekers to obtain a residence permit, should it be more difficult, or should access to permits remain the same as today?'.
2  'Don't know' answers are not included.
Source: Pedersen, Jensen and Viby Mogensen 2002:20 and Statistics Norway's Omnibus survey 3-2002.

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