Statistics Norway

Attitude towards immigrants and immigration policy

4   Answers to three questions on relation to immigrants. 2002 and 2003. Per cent
'Would you feel uncomfortable if ...'    Year    All    Yes    No Don't know Number of persons
that answered
'... you or someone in your closest family had an immigrant as a home help?' 2002  100 11 88 1 1 410
  2003  100 10 89 1 1 385
'... your new neighbour was an immigrant?' 2002  100 8 90 2 1 410
  2003  100 9 89 2 1 384
'... you had a son or daughter that wanted to marry an immigrant?' 2002  100 40 53 7 1 409
  2003  100 37 58 6 1 380

Explanation of symbols