Statistics Norway

Attitude towards immigrants and immigration policy

4   Answers to three questions on relation to immigrants. 2002-2005. Per cent
"Would you feel uncomfortable if ..." All Yes No Don't know Number of persons that answered
"... you or someone in your closest family had an immigrant as a home help?" 2002           100           11           88            1 1 410
  2003  100 10 89 1 1 385
  2004  100 10 90 1 1 319
  2005  100 6 93 1 1 288
"... your new neighbour was an immigrant?" 2002  100 8 90 2 1 410
  2003  100 9 89 2 1 384
  2004  100 9 90 1 1 316
  2005  100 6 92 1 1 288
"... you had a son or daughter that wanted to marry an immigrant?" 2002  100 40 53 7 1 409
  2003  100 37 58 6 1 380
  2004  100 35 60 5 1 317
  2005  100 33 61 7 1 288

Explanation of symbols