Statistics Norway

Attitude towards immigrants and immigration policy

5   Contact with immigrants on different arenas. 2002-2005. Per cent1
  2002 2003 2004 2005
  Yes      No      Yes      No      Yes      No      Yes      No
Do you have contact with immigrants who live in Norway for instance at work, in the neighbourhood, among friends, family etc? 67 33 64 36 67 33 66 34
In what connections do you have contact with immigrants who live in Norway?                
At work 41 59 40 60 39 61 42 58
Among friends and aquaintances 27 73 29 71 29 71 27 73
In the neighbourhood 22 78 23 77 24 76 20 80
Among close relatives 9 91 9 91 9 91 9 91
Other 10 90 8 92 9 91 7 93
1  The number of persons that answered in 2002 was 1 408, in 2003 1 384, in 2004 1 318 and in 2005 1 286.

Explanation of symbols