Statistics Norway

Employment among immigrants (register based)

3   Employed by sex, labour market status, region of birth and generation. Per cent of persons aged 16-74 years in each group and in absolute figures. Q4 2003
  Total Males Females
  Employees Self employed Employed, total Employees Self employed Employed, total Employees Self employed Employed, total
  Per cent
Total population 64.4 5.0 69.4 65.3 7.3 72.6 63.5 2.7 66.2
First generation immigrants, total 51.8 3.8 55.6 54.6 5.2 59.9 49.0 2.5 51.5
The Nordic countries 65.8 5.7 71.5 65.0 8.0 73.1 66.5 3.6 70.1
Western Europe else 61.3 5.4 66.8 65.9 6.1 72.0 55.5 4.6 60.1
New EU countries in Eastern Europe 57.2 3.8 61.0 60.9 5.7 66.6 55.4 2.9 58.2
Eastern Europe else 52.1 1.8 53.9 54.7 2.7 57.4 49.9 1.1 51.1
North America and Oceania 49.8 4.7 54.5 55.1 5.6 60.7 45.1 3.8 48.9
Asia1 45.0 3.6 48.6 49.3 5.1 54.4 40.6 2.2 42.8
Africa 37.9 2.4 40.4 40.9 3.4 44.3 34.0 1.1 35.0
South and Central America 54.5 2.4 56.9 58.4 3.4 61.8 51.2 1.6 52.8
Norwegian born to foreign born parents, total2 55.7 2.1 57.9 55.4 3.1 58.4 56.1 1.2 57.3
The Nordic countries 69.4 4.6 74.0 68.5 6.5 75.0 70.2 2.7 72.9
Western Europe else 65.3 3.7 69.0 66.0 4.6 70.6 64.5 2.7 67.2
New EU countries in Eastern Europe 63.9 3.4 67.3 65.1 4.6 69.6 62.7 2.1 64.8
Eastern Europe else 67.2 2.3 69.6 70.3 2.5 72.8 64.6 2.2 66.8
North America and Oceania 62.0 3.7 65.8 58.1 5.8 64.0 65.4 2.0 67.3
Asia1 50.5 1.4 51.9 50.4 2.1 52.6 50.5 0.6 51.1
Africa 51.1 0.9 52.1 45.4 1.8 47.2 57.2 - 57.2
South and Central America 42.3 0.4 42.7 43.8 0.7 44.5 40.6 - 40.6
  Absolute figures
Total population 2 098 000  162 000 2 260 000 1 072 098  118 928 1 191 026 1 025 902 43 072 1 068 974
First generation immigrants, total  131 023 9 704  140 727 68 250 6 515 74 765 62 773 3 189 65 962
The Nordic countries 29 697 2 559 32 256 13 884 1 715 15 599 15 813  844 16 657
Western Europe else 18 276 1 619 19 895 10 988 1 016 12 004 7 288  603 7 891
New EU countries in Eastern Europe 5 962  395 6 357 2 121  197 2 318 3 841  198 4 039
Eastern Europe else 16 317  571 16 888 7 743  381 8 124 8 574  190 8 764
North America and Oceania 3 665  342 4 007 1 923  196 2 119 1 742  146 1 888
Asia1 41 264 3 319 44 583 22 540 2 323 24 863 18 724  996 19 720
Africa 10 089  646 10 735 6 242  525 6 767 3 847  121 3 968
South and Central America 5 753  253 6 006 2 809  162 2 971 2 944 91 3 035
Norwegian born by foreign born parents, total2 6 838  262 7 100 3 487  192 3 679 3 351 70 3 421
The Nordic countries 1 032 69 1 101  513 49  562  519 20  539
Western Europe else  718 41  759  388 27  415  330 14  344
New EU countries in Eastern Europe  454 24  478  242 17  259  212 7  219
Eastern Europe else  402 14  416  196 7  203  206 7  213
North America and Oceania  116 7  123 50 5 55 66 2 68
Asia1 3 567 98 3 665 1 836 78 1 914 1 731 20 1 751
Africa  433 8  441  198 8  206  235 -  235
South and Central America  116 1  117 64 1 1 914 52 - 52
1  Including Turkey.
2  By mothers native country.

Explanation of symbols