Statistics Norway

Employment among immigrants (register based)

1   Employed by immigrant background, region of birth and sex . Q4 2004 and Q4 2005.
Per cent of persons aged 16-74 years and in absolute figures
  Total 2004 2005 Change 2004-2005
  Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females
  Per cent
Total population 69.3 72.5 66.0 69.4 72.6 66.0 0.1 0.1 0.0
First generation immigrants, total 56.6 61.0 52.2 57.5 62.5 52.6 0.9 1.5 0.4
The Nordic countries 71.6 73.6 69.8 72.4 74.5 70.4 0.8 0.9 0.6
Western Europe else 67.6 72.7 61.0 68.5 73.9 61.4 0.9 1.2 0.4
New EU countries in Eastern Europe 64.6 69.6 61.5 68.6 74.0 64.1 4.0 4.4 2.6
Eastern Europe else 55.5 59.0 52.7 56.2 60.3 53.0 0.7 1.3 0.3
North America and Oceania 56.6 63.5 50.3 58.3 64.5 52.7 1.7 1.0 2.4
Asia1 49.8 55.8 44.0 50.6 57.2 44.5 0.8 1.4 0.5
Africa 41.2 45.6 35.5 41.8 46.5 35.7 0.6 0.9 0.2
South and Central America 58.4 63.7 54.1 60.0 66.5 54.9 1.6 2.8 0.8
Norwegian born to foreign born parents, total2 56.8 58.1 55.4 55.9 57.3 54.4 -0.9 -0.8 -1.0
The Nordic countries 72.1 73.8 70.3 72.8 73.4 72.2 0.7 -0.4 1.9
Western Europe else 69.1 72.3 65.4 66.2 68.4 63.7 -2.9 -3.9 -1.7
New EU countries in Eastern Europe 66.8 66.0 67.7 66.8 66.4 67.1 0.0 0.4 -0.6
Eastern Europe else 67.7 67.0 68.3 63.6 62.3 64.8 -4.1 -4.7 -3.5
North America and Oceania 63.7 67.9 60.0 62.7 69.1 57.3 -1.0 1.2 -2.7
Asia1 51.7 53.6 49.6 51.6 54.1 49.0 -0.1 0.5 -0.6
Africa 51.2 48.2 54.5 51.5 49.3 53.9 0.3 1.1 -0.6
South and Central America 40.0 40.7 39.2 37.4 34.7 40.3 -2.6 -6.0 1.1
  Absolute figures
Total population 2 274 000   1 199 188   1 074 812   2 298 000   1 212 680   1 085 320   24 000   13 492   10 508
First generation immigrants, total  149 022 79 075 69 947  159 260 85 137 74 123 10 238 6 062 4 176
The Nordic countries 31 884 15 559 16 325 32 251 15 872 16 379  367  313 54
Western Europe else 20 587 12 486 8 101 21 497 13 179 8 318  910  693  217
New EU countries in Eastern Europe 7 731 3 165 4 566 10 289 5 066 5 223 2 558 1 901  657
Eastern Europe else 18 631 8 804 9 827 20 117 9 478 10 639 1 486  674  812
North America and Oceania 4 068 2 187 1 881 4 155 2 212 1 943 87 25 62
Asia1 47 927 26 342 21 585 51 313 27 999 23 314 3 386 1 657 1 729
Africa 11 780 7 400 4 380 12 765 7 987 4 778  985  587  398
South and Central America 6 414 3 132 3 282 6 873 3 344 3 529  459  212  247
Norwegian born to foreign born parents, total2 7 753 4 080 3 673 8 566 4 519 4 047  813  439  374
The Nordic countries 1 087  563  524 1 125  583  542 38 20 18
Western Europe else  767  431  336  767  423  344 0 -8 8
New EU countries in Eastern Europe  505  264  241  528  275  253 23 11 12
Eastern Europe else  453  209  244  474  220  254 21 11 10
North America and Oceania  109 55 54  111 56 55 2 1 1
Asia1 4 175 2 231 1 944 4 768 2 570 2 198  593  339  254
Africa  509  248  261  604  299  305 95 51 44
South and Central America  148 79 69  189 93 96 41 14 27
1  Including Turkey.
2  By mothers native country.

Explanation of symbols