Hunter register

3   Hunters1 by age and sex. 2002/2003
Age Hunters buying hunting tax card Male hunters as per cent of male population over 16 years Passed hunting test
Total Males Females Total Of these buying hunting tax card
Total  189 210  178 850 10 370 10 10 880 5 570
16-19 years 7 650 7 140  510 7 4 170 1 380
20-29 years 29 340 26 760 2 580 9 2 960 1 680
30-39 years 47 070 43 640 3 430 12 2 050 1 350
40-49 years 43 470 40 990 2 480 13 1 190  800
50-59 years 36 050 34 920 1 130 13  420  300
60-69 years 17 970 17 770  200 10 70 50
70- years 7 660 7 630 30 4 10 10
1  Include persons living in Norway.

Explanation of symbols