Statistics Norway

Hunter register

3 Hunters1, by age and sex. 2008/2009
Age Hunters buying hunting licence fee Male hunters as per cent of male population over 16 years Persons passed hunting test
Total Males Females Total Of these buying hunting licence fee
Total  193 128  180 062 13 066 10 12 184 6 094
16-19 years 8 497 7 667  830 6 4 592 1 554
20-29 years 25 625 22 883 2 742 8 4 055 2 138
30-39 years 41 630 38 092 3 538 11 1 925 1 279
40-49 years 45 540 41 954 3 586 12 1 061  734
50-59 years 37 686 35 884 1 802 12  438  307
60-69 years 25 077 24 561  516 11  107 78
70- years 9 073 9 021 52 4 6 4
1  Excluding foreign hunters and Norwegians living abroad.

Explanation of symbols