Statistics Norway

Hunter register

1 Hunters1 buying hunting licence fee. 1995/96-2009/10
  Total Males Females
    Per cent
1995/96  173 200 96.7 3.3
1996/97  173 200 96.5 3.5
1997/98  177 100 96.2 3.8
1998/99  177 600 96.0 4.0
1999/2000  188 100 95.5 4.5
2000/01  188 900 95.0 5.0
2001/02  187 900 94.8 5.2
2002/03  189 200 94.5 5.5
2003/04  189 400 94.4 5.6
2004/05  194 170 94.1 5.9
2005/06  192 250 93.9 6.1
2006/07  188 520 93.7 6.3
2007/08  191 300 93.5 6.5
2008/09  193 200 93.2 6.8
2009/10  193 400 93.1 6.9
1  Excluding foreign hunters and Norwegians living abroad.

Explanation of symbols