Statistics Norway

Pesticide use in agriculture

2 Use of pesticides on area1 of different crops, by type of pesticide. 2011
  Total area1. Decares Per cent of area sprayed with
  Herbicides Fungicides Insecticides Growth regulators Defoliants
Potato  127 944 92 88 40 - 81
Onion 6 819 99 96 26 - -
Cabbage 3 895 69 28 86 - -
Carrot 12 925 93 42 73 - -
Strawberry 13 789 72 87 80 - -
Apple 13 250 56 80 70 - -
Meadows for mowing and pastures 6 207 024 6 - - - -
Barley 1 449 749 91 64 10 25 -
Oats  693 981 94 24 4 26 -
Spring wheat  587 779 98 86 27 31 -
Winter wheat  139 282 96 85 7 30 -
Oil-seeds 50 486 37 31 63 - -
1  Refers to area on holdings with conventional production.

Explanation of symbols