2   Number of holdings, agricultural area in use, labour input in agriculture and horticulture, average labour input at the holdings and per 100 decares area in use, by region, size of holding, area of grain and oil seeds and number of dairy cows. 1994/1995, 1998/1999*. 1 000 man-hours.
Region, agricultural area by size, area of grain and oil seeds, dairy cows Number of holdings Agricultural area in use, 1 000 decares Labour input in agriculture and horticulture, 1 000
Labour input in agriculture and horticulture per holding, man-hours Labour input per 100 decares agricultural area, man-hours
The whole country          
1994/1995 83 221 10 255 169 878 2 041 1 674
1998/1999* 71 795 10 300 148 500 2 072 1 435
Oslo and Akershus 3 531 800 5 200 1 491 664
Hedmark and Oppland 13 194 2 100 26 000 1 973 1 247
South Eastern Norway 12 663 2 000 19 800 1 568 984
Agder and Rogaland 9 553 1 300 22 700 2 379 1 758
Western Norway 16 195 1 500 34 300 2 125 2 224
Trøndelag 10 031 1 700 24 500 2 443 1 458
Northern Norway 6 628 900 15 900 2 405 1 690
Agricultural area in use          
   0      decares. 669 - 1 900 2 855 ..
   5-  74 decares 24 413 1 000 24 900 1 020 2 402
  75- 149 decares 20 026 2 200 39 900 1 994 1 817
 150- 249 decares 16 027 3 100 46 400 2 895 1 502
 250 decares and more 10 660 4 000 35 400 3 320 879
Area of grain and oil seeds          
Without grain and oil seeds 49 627 5 800 111 200 2 242 1 917
   1-  99 decares 10 469 1 100 15 100 1 443 1 348
 100- 199 decares 6 139 1 200 9 800 1 606 852
 200 decares and more 5 560 2 300 12 500 2 247 547
Number of dairy cows          
Without dairy cows 49 204 5 900 67 600 1 373 1 144
   1-   9 dairy cows 6 023 700 17 500 2 935 2 425
  10-  14 dairy cows 7 952 1 500 28 100 3 550 1 917
  15-     dairy cows 8 616 2 300 35 300 4 105 1 568
1  Comprises some holdings with animal husbandry without agricultural area in use.

Explanation of symbols