4   Investments in green-houses, included implements and heatingsystem by size of green-house area. 1 000 NOK
  Holdings with
Investment in green-houses Investments in related buildings
  1996 1997 1998 1996 1997 1998
The whole country 407 327 480 68 792 78 082 128 026 8 807 14 947 28 826
Area of green-houses 1999                
 300- 999 mē 118 25 693 5 704 5 006 9 615 875 2 629 1 864
1000-1999 mē 110 45 464 13 819 7 913 13 613 3 289 2 168 4 662
2000-4999 mē 128 118 410 24 914 31 426 43 202 1 893 7 896 9 079
5000 mē and more 51 137 913 24 355 33 737 61 596 2 750 2 254 13 221

Explanation of symbols