Census of agriculture, 1999

1   Number of holdings, by size of agricultural area in use. Municipalities in county of Sør-Trøndelag. 1989 and 1999
  Holdings, total Number of holdings by size of agricultural area in use
  5-49 daa1 50-99 daa 100-199 daa 200-299 daa 300-499 daa 500- daa
1989 6 262 1 489 1 604 2 313 673 160 23
1999 4 805 622 939 1 816 1 005 379 44
1601 Trondheim 349 39 60 116 82 44 8
1612 Hemne 157 20 31 89 14 3 -
1613 Snillfjord 96 14 21 39 19 3 -
1617 Hitra 109 10 25 38 33 3 -
1620 Frøya 68 27 10 22 6 3 -
1621 Ørland 195 12 24 54 68 33 4
1622 Agdenes 149 21 37 72 : : -
1624 Rissa 407 50 94 179 72 9 3
1627 Bjugn 208 21 32 73 70 12 -
1630 Åfjord 203 15 38 114 31 5 -
1632 Roan 84 14 23 38 : : -
1633 Osen 62 10 9 34 9 - -
1634 Oppdal 330 26 49 125 80 47 3
1635 Rennebu 208 15 36 89 50 : :
1636 Meldal 155 16 21 36 49 31 :
1638 Orkdal 279 40 52 101 54 26 6
1640 Røros 142 14 28 45 44 : :
1644 Holtålen 165 44 48 45 24 : :
1648 Midtre Gauldal 408 66 99 179 49 15 -
1653 Melhus 395 49 72 127 90 48 9
1657 Skaun 206 19 42 86 36 : :
1662 Klæbu 54 8 9 12 13 12 -
1663 Malvik 82 11 15 25 18 : :
1664 Selbu 241 56 55 57 53 : :
1665 Tydal 53 5 9 21 : : -
1  The figures for 1999 include also some holdings with less than 5 decares agricultural area in use (mainly joint operations and green-houses).

Explanation of symbols