Census of agriculture, 1999

13   Number of holdings with livestock and approved fire alarm system. Holdings with access to emergency power generator. Municipalities in county of Hordaland. 1999
  Number of holdings with livestock Number of holdings with access to emergeny power generator
  Total with approved fire alarm system
1999 4 990 144 514
1201 Bergen 263 13 22
1211 Etne 216 7 23
1214 Ølen 148 3 11
1216 Sveio 199 7 18
1219 Bømlo 169 4 8
1221 Stord 98 6 12
1222 Fitjar 88 - 12
1223 Tysnes 131 - 28
1224 Kvinnherad 398 14 39
1227 Jondal 77 3 14
1228 Odda 87 : 15
1231 Ullensvang 128 5 37
1232 Eidfjord 36 : :
1233 Ulvik 69 : 12
1234 Granvin 65 - 7
1235 Voss 600 18 46
1238 Kvam 271 8 32
1241 Fusa 185 3 19
1242 Samnanger 70 : :
1243 Os 84 5 17
1244 Austevoll 121 5 14
1245 Sund 52 : 8
1246 Fjell 93 : 8
1247 Askøy 82 3 5
1251 Vaksdal 94 : 14
1252 Modalen 19 : :
1253 Osterøy 223 4 22
1256 Meland 103 : 5
1259 Øygarden 43 : 3
1260 Radøy 236 8 16
1263 Lindås 360 11 27
1264 Austrheim 53 - 9
1265 Fedje 4 - -
1266 Masfjorden 125 : 6

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